Launching Print Tasks

You launch print tasks from the shortcut menu in File Explorer or from the Actions > Tasks menu.

SOLIDWORKS must be installed on the computer executing the task. How you use the task depends on how your administrator sets it up.
  1. Select one or more files.
  2. Right-click and click Print Files.
    Your administrator might have chosen a different name for this task.
  3. Optionally, in the task dialog box, change task settings.
    If a task does not support user input, it completes without displaying a dialog box.
  4. Launch the task by clicking Print.
    If a print task is configured to let you select the printer or complete a task input card, a secondary print dialog box appears.
  5. Provide additional information needed to complete the task and click OK.

If you execute the task on your computer and SOLIDWORKS is not already running, SOLIDWORKS opens briefly to allow the task to start.

If your administrator selected you for notification on task completion, click the SOLIDWORKS PDM icon that appears in the notification area, at the far right of the task bar to read the notification.