Adding Explode Lines

To manually add an explode line to an exploded view, use an explode line sketch (a type of 3D sketch).

To insert an explode line sketch:

  1. Click Explode Line Sketch (Assembly toolbar) or Insert > Explode Line Sketch.
    The Explode Sketch toolbar appears. Route Line is activated and the Route Line PropertyManager opens.
  2. Add explode lines using:
    • Route Line (Explode Sketch toolbar)
    • Jog Line (Explode Sketch toolbar)
    • Other 3D sketch tools (Sketch toolbar)
    All lines in an explode line sketch appear in phantom font.
  3. Close the sketch.
    The sketch 3DExplode appears in the ConfigurationManager under ExplView .

Example - Adding a Route Line

In this example, a route line is added between a pin and a hole in a shaft in an exploded view.

To add a route line:

  1. Select one face, circular edge, or straight edge on each of the two items you want to connect.
    For example, select the face of the hole and the circular edge of the pin:

    A preview of the route line appears.

  2. Click PM_OK.gif.
    The route line appears.


    The Route Line tool stays active so you can insert multiple lines.

    All lines in an explode line sketch appear in phantom font.
  3. Add more route lines, or click PM_OK.gif again to close the PropertyManager.

Example - Adding a Jog Line

In this example, a route line in an explode line sketch goes through a component, so a jog is added to go around that component.

To add a jog to a route line:

  1. Click Jog Line (Explode Sketch toolbar).
  2. Click a line to begin the jog.
  3. Move the pointer to preview the width and depth of the jog.

    If you click the sketch line and release the pointer, you can change planes in the 3D sketch by pressing Tab. If you click and drag (without releasing), you cannot change planes.
  4. Click again to complete the jog.


    The Jog tool stays active so you can insert multiple jogs.

  5. Click cancel.png to close the PropertyManager.