Administrative UI Workspaces

Workspace files define the structure of the user interface elements. By default, the software provides a menu-based workspace and a ribbon-based workspace.

Users can use the UI Profile page of the Customize dialog box to arrange and manage user interface elements such as quick access toolbars, ribbon tabs, menus, toolbars, and other elements in individual workspaces.

The application_overrides.xml file provides the locations of administrative UI customization files to use, and determines the versions and languages of the software that are used.

The file has to be stored on local computers into a specific application related folder: %programdata%\<company_name>\<application_name>\workspace_overrides.xml

The .xml file uses a specific syntax as shown in the following example:

Sample workspace_overrides.xml file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<version build="*">
		<workspace name="Corporate">
		<setting type="QString" value="U:\Common\CAD\Shared\ui_workspace_all.xml"/>

In the version tag, the build parameter specifies the version for which the settings of subsequent workspace files are applied. An asterisk (*) specifies that subsequent workspace files are applied for all installed versions of the program.

In the workspace tag, the name parameter specifies the name of the workspace which appears in the drop-down list at the top of the application window next to the Application button. You can provide multiple workspaces in the workspace section.

In the value parameter, the settings tags specifies the workspace file (of type .xml) to load when the user selects it. Common workspace files are usually located on a network drive and folder.

You should preserve the order of the file specifications for overriding values.

As a user, you can select administrative workspaces, but you cannot edit them.