Varying Dimension Patterns

The Instance to Vary option in the Linear and Circular Pattern PropertyManagers allows you to vary the dimensions and locations of instances in a feature pattern.

You can vary the dimensions of a series of instances, so that each instance is larger or smaller than the previous one. You can also change the dimensions of a single instance in a pattern and change the position of that instance relative to the seed feature of the pattern.

For linear patterns, you can change the spacing between the columns and rows in the pattern. For circular patterns, you can arrange the instances to become closer together or farther apart.

This option is only available when you select a feature, from the graphics area, for the pattern instance.

Varying Spacing and Feature Dimensions

Varying the spacing and feature dimension in patterns allows you to create more complex patterns.

To vary linear patterns:

  1. In the FeatureManager design tree, select Lpattern and click Edit Feature fm_edit_feature.gif.
  2. In the PropertyManager, click Instances to Vary.
  3. To add a spacing increment for Direction 1 under Direction 1 Increments, enter a value in Direction 1 Spacing Increment PM_space_increment. The value can be positive or negative.

    If the value is positive, the software cumulatively increases the spacing for each instance. If it is negative, the spacing cumulatively decreases between each instance in the pattern.

    For example, if the Spacing between the instances is 50mm and you add a Direction 1 Spacing Increment of 20mm, then the second instance is positioned 70mm from the first instance, the third instance is positioned 90mm from the second, and so on.

    You can also change the Space Increment value in the Direction 1 callout.
  4. To add an increment to feature dimensions for Direction 1, click the dimensions from the seed feature in the graphics area.
    A table appears in the box.
  5. Under Increment, enter a value. The increment changes the dimensions for every instance in Direction 1.
    The increment that you specify for a feature dimension changes the size of each instance.

    In the following example, the seed feature is a cut extrude. The height of the seed feature is 8mm and the increment to the height dimension is 10mm. The height of succeeding instances increase to 18mm, 28mm, 38mm, and 48mm.


  6. Repeat these steps for Direction 2 Increments, if needed.
  7. Click PM_OK.gif.

Modifying an Instance

You can modify individual pattern instances.

To modify an instance:

  1. In the FeatureManager design tree, select Lpattern and click Edit Feature fm_edit_feature.gif.
  2. Over the instance marker, left-click and select Modify Instance.

    A callout appears in the graphics area and lists the instance in array format, for example (5,1).

  3. In the callout, enter a value to override the spacing and feature dimensions and press Enter.

    The instance marker changes in the size and color to indicate that the instance is modified. The Modified Instance box in the PropertyManager also lists the instance.

    Override values for an individual instance are maintained only in the instance callout. The values in the Instance to Vary box of the PropertyManager only reflect increments to the pattern.
  4. To edit the override values, left-click the instance and select Edit Modified Instance.

Removing a Modified Instance

You can remove a modified instance and restore it to its original state by using the Modified Instance box in the PropertyManager.

  1. In the FeatureManager design tree, select Lpattern and click Edit Feature fm_edit_feature.gif.
  2. In the PropertyManager under Modified Instances, right-click the instance and select Delete.
    To remove all instance overrides, right-click in the Modified Instance box and select Clear Selections.
  3. Click PM_OK.gif.