Bounding Box in Assemblies

You can create a bounding box feature in an assembly that contains geometry. The bounding box is calculated by using the same methods as the part-level bounding box.

An assembly can contain only one Bounding Box feature. In the FeatureManager® design tree, you can right-click the bounding box, and click Hide, Show, Suppress, or Unsuppress.

Different colors indicate the component-level bounding box sketches in the graphics area:
Top-level assembly bounding box Gray
Subassembly bounding box Blue
Part bounding box Orange

To view a bounding box, click View > Hide/Show > Bounding Box.

To view bounding box properties, hover over Bounding Box in the FeatureManager design tree, or click File > Properties > Configuration Specific. Values are listed for the length, width, thickness, and volume of the bounding box.

Bounding Box Calculations

Bounding box calculations include SpeedPak faces and bodies but do not include SpeedPak ghost graphics. After creating a bounding box feature, you can insert a SpeedPak subassembly into the assembly or change an existing component to SpeedPak in the assembly.

In an active assembly, bounding box calculations do not update dynamically when components change in the assembly. A Rebuild icon appears next to the bounding box feature when you need to recalculate. Right-click Bounding Box and click Update to rebuild.

The time required to calculate the bounding box feature appears in the Assembly Rebuild Report. To access this report, click Tools > Evaluate > Performance Evaluation and expand the Rebuild Performance section.