Changing the Listed Property

You can change which property is listed in a column of the Assembly Visualization list.

You can select commonly used properties from a flyout list. You can also access the Custom Column dialog box, where you can:
  • Select from other custom properties already defined in the component files.
  • Create equations involving those properties.

To change the property:

  1. On the Assembly Visualization tab , click the arrow to the right of a column header.
    The flyout list contains some commonly used properties.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select a property from the flyout list.

      The selected property appears at the top of the property column.

    • Click More to access other custom properties.

      The Custom Column dialog box appears.

  3. In the dialog box, do one of the following:
    • Select a property in Properties and click OK.

      The selected property appears at the top of the property column. In the graphics area, the colors of the components change accordingly.

    • Create an equation involving several properties.