Creating the Standard 3 View by the Standard Method

To create the Standard 3 View by the standard method:

  1. In a drawing, click Standard 3 View Tool_Standard_3_View_Drawing.gif (Drawing toolbar), or click Insert > Drawing View > Standard 3 View.
    The pointer changes to .
  2. Select the model in one of these ways:
    • Select a model from Open documents in the Standard 3 View PropertyManager or browse to a model file and click PM_OK.gif.
    • To add the views of a part, in a part window, click a face, or anywhere in the graphics area, or click the part name in the FeatureManager design tree.
    • To add the views of an assembly, in an assembly window, click an empty region of the graphics area, or click the assembly name in the FeatureManager design tree.
    • To add the views of an assembly component, in an assembly window, click a face on the part, or click the name of either an individual part or a subassembly in the FeatureManager design tree.
    • In a drawing window, click a view that contains the desired part or assembly, either in the FeatureManager design tree or in the graphics area.