Hide/Show Annotations
Hide/Show Annotations allows you to toggle the visibility of individual
annotations or tables in a drawing. Hiding a dimension has a different
effect than deleting it:
If you hide
an annotation, it is still present in the view. Therefore, it is not restored
if you import annotations again.
If you delete
an annotation, it may be restored if you import annotations again (if
it does not already appear in another view).
You can also
hide or show annotations when you insert
model items.
To show dimension names, click View
> Dimension Names or Hide/Show
Items > View Dimension Names (Heads-Up
View toolbar).
To hide or show annotations:
Click Hide/Show Annotations
on the Annotation toolbar, or click View,
Hide/Show Annotations.
All annotations are displayed; hidden annotations are in gray.
The pointer changes to .
Click the annotations that you want to show or
When you hide an annotation, it is hidden on the drawing sheet but
not removed from the model's database.
You can also right-click
an annotation and select Hide. |
Click an annotation to hide:
Click an annotation to show: