Setting Detailing Options
You can set options for various aspects of detailing. The options affect only the active document.
To set detailing options:
Click Tools, Options. On the Document Properties tab, select:
Drafting Standard - Set the overall detailing drafting standard, and rename, copy, delete, export, or load saved custom drafting standards
Annotations pages - Fonts, attachments, leading and trailing zeros, and so on
Dimensions pages - Text alignment, fonts, leaders, arrow styles and so on
Centerlines/Center Marks - Fonts, slot options, and so on
DimXpert - Dimensioning schemes and options for chamfers, slots, and fillets for use with the DimXpert tool
Tables pages - Various controls for tables
View Labels pages- Label content and format for detail, section, and auxiliary view labels
Virtual Sharps - Virtual sharp display styles
Detailing - Display filter, text scale, and so on
Grid/Snap - Grid display, spacing, and so on
Units - Specify how units are displayed
Line Font - Style and weight of lines for various kinds of edges in drawing documents
Line Style - Create, save, load, or delete line styles
Line Thickness - Set line weights that work best with your printer or plotter
Image Quality - HLR/HLV resolution
Sheet Metal - Flat pattern colors and bend notes
Change the options as necessary.
Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog box.