Harmonic Analysis
Use harmonic analysis to calculate the peak steady state response due to harmonic loads or base excitations.
A harmonic load P is expressed as P = A sin (w t + f) where: A is the amplitude, w is the frequency, t is time, and f is the phase angle. Sample harmonic loads of different frequencies w versus time are shown below:
Although you can create a modal time history study and define loads as functions of time, you may not be interested in the transient variation of the response with time. In such cases, you save time and resources by solving for the steady-state peak response at the desired operational frequency range using harmonic analysis. You can approximate the motor by a distributed mass.
For example, a motor mounted on a test table transfers harmonic loads to the support system through the bolts. You can model the supporting system and define a harmonic study to evaluate the steady-state peak displacements, stresses, etc. for the motor’s range of operating frequencies. You can approximate the motor by a distributed mass.
After running the study, you can view peak stresses, displacements, accelerations, and velocities as well as phase angles of the response over the range of operating frequencies.
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Damping effects
Modal, Rayleigh, and Composite modal damping options are available for this type of analysis.
Related Topics
Harmonic Analysis Procedure
When to Use Dynamic Analysis
Damping Effects
Loads and Result Options for Dynamic Analysis
Performing Linear Dynamic Analysis