The CommandManager is a context-sensitive toolbar that dynamically updates based on the toolbar you want to access. By default, it has toolbars embedded in it based on the document type.
When you click a tab below the Command Manager, it updates to show that toolbar. For example, if you click the Sketches tab, the Sketch toolbar appears.

Use the Command Manager to access toolbar buttons in a central location and to save space for the graphics area.
To toggle the descriptions and size of the buttons, right-click in the CommandManager and select or clear Use Large Buttons with Text. This option is also available in Tools, Customize, on the Toolbars tab.
To access the CommandManager:
To use the CommandManager:
To float the CommandManager:
To dock a floating CommandManager:
To add a custom tab to the CommandManager:
To add CommandManager tool buttons:
To change tool button labels:
To display or hide tabs:
To activate SolidWorks add-ins: