Toolbars are available for most SolidWorks tools, and also for add-in products. Named toolbars assist you in performing specific design tasks such as applying surfaces or drawing curves.
Because the CommandManager contains the most frequently used tools for the currently selected document, toolbars are turned off by default.
You can display:
In addition, the following special toolbars help you work more productively:
To toggle toolbar visibility:
Right-click in the window border and select or clear a toolbar name.
Click Tools, Customize. On the Toolbars tab, select the toolbars to display.
Toolbars for add-in products are available if you have installed the products and added them in to SolidWorks.
You can customize:
Visibility and position of toolbars for part, assembly, and drawing documents.
Visibility of context toolbars.
Tool buttons on toolbars.
Toolbars and menus for work flow (consumer product design, machine design, mold design).
To move a toolbar:
Drag the start or edge of the toolbar:
To move a toolbar back to its previous position, double-click the start or title bar.

To toggle visibility of all active toolbars and the CommandManager:
Click View, Toolbars or press F10.
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