DimXpert Dimensions and Drawings
You can import dimensions and tolerances you created using DimXpert for parts into drawings, including into section views.
You cannot use the Model Items PropertyManager to import DimXpert dimensions into drawings.
To import DimXpert dimensions into drawings:
Open a part that contains dimensions and tolerances created by DimXpert for parts.
Create a drawing document.
Use any of the following methods to insert DimXpert dimensions:
In the View Palette, browse to the part containing DimXpert dimensions.
Under Options, select Import Annotations and DimXpert Annotations.
Drag views marked with (A), which contain DimXpert annotations, onto the drawing sheet.
Use menu items:
Click Insert, Drawing View, Model.
In the Model View PropertyManager, under Part/Assembly to Insert, click Browse, select the part containing DimXpert dimensions, and click
Under Orientation, select the views to import. (You can insert more than one view if you select Create multiple views.) Views with
contain annotation views.
Under Import options, select Import annotations and DimXpert annotations.
To import DimXpert dimensions into section views in drawings:
In a drawing, create a drawing view that contains DimXpert dimensions.
Click Section View
(Drawings toolbar) or Insert, Drawing View, Section.
Sketch a line on the drawing view to create the section view.
In the PropertyManager, under Import annotation from:
Under Annotation views, select an annotation view.
Select Import annotations and DimXpert annotations.
The DimXpert annotations dynamically appear when you toggle view selection. This helps you select the proper view.
Click to place the view.
Use the procedures above for importing annotations into detail views and projected views.
Right-click the Annotations
folder and click Show DimXpert Annotations to show or hide previously imported DimXpert dimensions and tolerances.
In drawings, you can change only the display characteristics of dimensions and tolerances created with DimXpert for parts. You cannot edit the tolerance values or any criteria entered in the feature control frame of a geometric tolerance.
In the Drawing View PropertyManager:
Scale. To maintain the same balance between the annotations and geometry shown in the annotation views in parts, select Use custom scale and choose Use model text scale when importing drawing views.
Under Offset distances, select Annotation view layout to preserve the layout defined in the annotation view. Clear this option to use the drawing layout to place the dimensions.
If you add new DimXpert dimensions to annotation views for which you have already created drawing views, the
Annotation Update
PropertyManager appears. This PropertyManager appears only once each time you add new DimXpert dimensions. If you do not update the annotations at that time, you must click View, Hide/Show Annotations to show the updated annotations.
DimXpert dimensions and tolerances are magenta-colored by default.
To change the default color, click Options
, Colors. Under Color scheme settings, select Annotations, DimXpert and pick the new color.