Quick Tips
Quick Tips is a set of pop-up messages that appear while you create SolidWorks documents. These messages give hints and options based on the current SolidWorks mode. Most of the messages have hyperlinks that flash the tools typically used for the next step, point out informational messages, etc.
Quick Tips are not available when the SolidWorks Tutorials are active.
Icons associated with Quick Tips appear at the right of the status bar:

Available, but not currently displayed

Currently displayed

Temporarily disabled
To turn on Quick Tips:
Click Help, Quick Tips or click
To turn off Quick Tips:
Click Help, Quick Tips, or click
Quick Tips are mode-specific. For example, if you have Quick Tips displayed when you have a part document open, then you click
, Quick Tips are no longer displayed in part modes. However, if you open an assembly document, Quick Tips reappear.