The Modify Configurations dialog box facilitates creating and modifying configurations for commonly configured parameters in parts and assemblies.
To create or modify configurations, do one of the following:
Right-click an item and select Configure Dimension, Configure Feature, Configure Component, or Configure Material.
Not all items can be configured in the
Modify Configurations dialog box.
Valid items to right-click to start Modify Configurations, or to double-click to add to Modify Configurations include:
- For parts: features, sketches, dimensions, and material
- For assemblies: components, assembly features, mates, and dimensions of assembly features and mates
- In the ConfigurationManager, expand Tables , right-click an existing table, and click Show Table.
The Modify Configurations dialog box lists the configurations of the model in one column and configurable parameters in other columns.
Configuration Name
Lists the configuration of the model. The active configuration is shown in bold.
You can add new configurations:
- Click <Creates a new configuration>.
- Type a name.
- Press Enter.
You can right-click any configuration and click the following:
Rename Configuration |
Lets you rename the selected configuration. |
Delete Configuration |
Deletes the selected configuration from the model. |
Add Derived Configuration |
Adds a derived configuration as a child of the selected configuration. |
Switch to Configuration |
Makes the selected configuration the active one.Click Rebuild active configuration to update to the configuration you activated.
Parameters Columns
You can add more columns by double-clicking items in the graphics area or FeatureManager design tree. Click at the top of a column to select other parameters of a feature to configure.
Linked dimensions are grouped in a column labeled Linked Dimension instead of appearing in columns for individual features. Each linked dimension appears in the list only once, even if it is used in several features.
You can add a column for every configured parameter in the model at once by clicking All Parameters at the bottom of the dialog box.
In the parameter columns, you can click in a cell and:
- Type to change numeric values.
- Select from a list of component configurations or part materials.
- Change the suppression state of features, sketches, components, and mates.
You can right-click the header of a parameter column and click the following:
Delete |
Deletes the column from the table. |
Rename |
Highlights the name so you can type a new name for the parameter. When you click Apply or save the table, the parameter name updates in the model. |
Unconfigure |
Applies the active configuration's value to all configurations and deletes the column from the table. |
To rearrange the order of columns in the table, select a column header and drag the column.
Flip rows and columns |
Transposes rows and columns in the table. |
Rebuild active configuration |
Rebuild all configurations |
Hide/Show Custom Properties |
Controls visibility of the Custom Properties column for configuration-specific custom properties. The Custom Properties column contains sub-columns for currently configured properties. Click at the top of the column to select other properties to configure. You can create new properties by selecting **New Property from the list. |
Save table view |
Applies changes to the model and saves the current view of the table. For new table views, type a name in the text box before saving. Tables are saved in the Tables folder on the ConfigurationManager tab. |
All Parameters |
Adds a column for every configured parameter in the model. |
OK |
Applies changes to the model and closes the dialog box. |
Cancel |
Closes the dialog box without applying changes. |
Apply |
Applies changes to the model but keeps the dialog box open. |