- Converting Files to SolidWorks 2013
Opening a SolidWorks document from an earlier release might take extra time. After you open and save a file, subsequent opening time returns to normal.
- Interoperability Between SolidWorks 2012 SP5 and SolidWorks 2013
If you have SolidWorks 2012 Service Pack 5, you can open parts and assemblies created with SolidWorks 2013.
- Save and Restore User Settings
You can save and restore your keyboard shortcuts, customized menus and toolbars, and system options from the Tools menu. Selecting runs the Copy Settings Wizard in a special mode which allows the SolidWorks software to remain up and running, while you save or restore your current user settings.
- SolidWorks CAD Admin Dashboard
With the CAD Admin Dashboard, you can monitor the performance, hardware status, and changes to SolidWorks System Options settings for each SolidWorks user at your company.