- Multibody Overview
Part documents can contain multiple solid bodies.
- Organizing Solid Bodies
In the FeatureManager design tree, you can organize and manage solid bodies in several ways.
- Mates in Multibody Parts
In multibody parts, you can precisely place bodies using mates.
- Multibody Parts Versus Assemblies
Multibody parts should not replace the use of assemblies.
- Materials and Multibody Parts
For a multibody part, you can apply a material to the entire part, which affects all bodies in the part, or to one or more individual bodies.
- Modeling Techniques
- Exploded Views in Multibody Parts
An exploded view in a multibody part shows the solid bodies spread out, but positioned to show how they fit together.
- Feature Scope in Multibody Parts
For some features in multibody parts, you specify which bodies you want the feature to affect.
- Isolate in Multibody Parts
In multibody parts, the Isolate command sets all bodies except the selected ones to be hidden or transparent, enabling you to focus on the selected bodies. When you exit Isolate, the display returns to its original state without any permanent changes.