This topic provides you with quick access to the enhancements made to SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API.
SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API 2014
- SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API Help has been upgraded to be consistent with all of the other SolidWorks API Help systems. For example, SolidWorks Enterprise API Help now includes syntax for VB.NET, C#, and managed C++ and a Send Feedback link on most Help topics. Additionally, SolidWorks Enterprise API Help:
- contains updated Stand-alone Applications and Add-in Applications books and Help topics.
- includes C# and VB.NET add-in and stand-alone code samples that you can recreate in Microsoft Visual Studio. If you use the local version of SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API Help, then click the Index tab and type C# add-ins, C# examples, VB.NET add-ins, or VB.NET examples to quickly locate these examples. Additional examples will appear in subsequent releases.
- is now available on the:
- SolidWorks Help menu, Help > API Help > SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API Help.
- internet, > API Help (English only) > SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API Help.
- SolidWorks Enterprise PDM includes a primary interop assembly (also called an interop) for use with stand-alone SolidWorks Enterprise PDM applications. The interop, EPDM.Interop.epdm.dll, is stored in the top folder of your SolidWorks Enterprise PDM installation, typically C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Enterprise PDM. A 32-bit interop is shipped with the 32-bit version of SolidWorks Enterprise PDM, and a 64-bit interop is shipped with the 64-bit version of SolidWorks Enterprise PDM. See Using .NET Framework 4.0 in Stand-alone Applications for more information.
- Any application not supplied and supported by SolidWorks Corporation that logs into SolidWorks Enterprise PDM or directly accesses the database must ensure that sufficient SolidWorks Enterprise PDM licenses are available when the same user is not logged into a local view.
To make this easier to program and to comply with the SolidWorks End User License Agreement (EULA), SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API 2014 includes a new login method called IEdmVault13::LoginEx. This method ensures that licenses are properly consumed by the application.
New structure
New method
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SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API 2013
New interfaces
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SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API 2012
New interfaces
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SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API 2011
New interfaces
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SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API 2010
New functionality
You can now program items and tasks.
New interfaces
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SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API 2009
New interfaces
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SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API 2008
New and changed functionality
- Visual Basic 6 is no longer supported. All add-ins must now be multi-threaded; for example, create your add-ins using the Visual Studio .NET development environment.
- The recommended way of accessing variables has changed. See IEdmEnumeratorVariable8::CloseFile.
New Interfaces
SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API 2007 SP03
New functionality
Support for 64-bit add-ins for the 64-bit version of SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API 2007 SP03, and later, is included in this release.
New interface
SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API 2007
New interfaces
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SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API version 6.5
Conisio has been re-branded as SolidWorks Enterprise PDM; however, an OEM-version of the product sold under the name Conisio still exists. Both of these products share the same API.
New and changed functionality
- The name of the type library has changed from ConisioLib to EdmLib.
- The name of the API has changed from Conisio 6.4 Type Library to PDMWorks Enterprise 6.5 Type Library.
NOTE: The change in the name of the type library might require you to recompile existing applications. However, the names of all interfaces, structures, methods, properties, and enumerations are unchanged.
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SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API version 6.4
New functionality
New interfaces
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SolidWorks Enterprise PDM API version 6.3
New interfaces