| Name | Description |
| AddPropertyExtension | Stores a float, string, or integer value on this component. |
| DeSelect | Deselects this component. |
| EnumBodies | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::EnumBodies2. |
| EnumBodies2 | Gets the bodies in the component in a multibody part. |
| EnumRelatedBodies | Creates an enumerated list of bodies. |
| EnumSectionedBodies | Gets the sectioned bodies seen in the specified view and returns them in an enumerated list. |
| FeatureByName | Gets the specified feature for this component. |
| FindAttribute | Finds an attribute on a component. |
| FirstFeature | Gets the first feature in this component. |
| GetBodies | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::GetBodies2. |
| GetBodies2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::GetBodies3. |
| GetBodies3 | Gets the bodies in this component. |
| GetBody | Gets the body that belongs to this instance of this component. |
| GetBox | Gets the bounding box for component. |
| GetChildren | Gets all of the children components of this component. |
| GetConstrainedStatus | Gets the constrained status of this component. |
| GetCorresponding | Gets the corresponding object in the context of the assembly for a particular instance of the component. |
| GetCorrespondingEntity | Gets the entity that corresponds with the Dispatch pointer in the context of the component. |
| GetDecals | Gets the decals applied to this component. |
| GetDecalsCount | Gets the number of decals applied to this component. |
| GetDrawingComponent | Gets the drawing component for this component. |
| GetHiddenUnloadedChildrenCount | Gets the number of hidden children components of this component that were not loaded when an assembly was opened selectively. |
| GetID | Gets the persistent ID of this component. |
| GetMaterialIdName | Gets the material name for this component. |
| GetMaterialPropertyValues2 | Gets the material properties for this component. |
| GetMaterialUserName | Gets the user-visible name of the material for this component. |
| GetMates | Gets the mates for this component. |
| GetModelDoc | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::GetModelDoc2. |
| GetModelDoc2 | Gets the model document for this component. |
| GetModelMaterialPropertyValues | Gets the material properties of this lightweight component in the specified configuration. |
| GetModelTexture | Gets the texture applied to this lightweight component in the specified configuration. |
| GetParent | Gets the parent component. |
| GetPathName | Gets the full path name for this component. |
| GetPropertyExtension | Gets a float, string, or integer value from a component. |
| GetRenderMaterials | Gets the appearances applied to this component. |
| GetRenderMaterialsCount | Gets the number of appearances applied to this component. |
| GetSectionedBodies | Gets the sectioned bodies in the specified section view. |
| GetSelectByIDString | Gets the name of the component for possible use with IModelDocExtension::SelectByID2, for selectively opening a document using ISldWorks::OpenDoc7 and IDocumentSpecification, etc. |
| GetSmartComponentData | Gets the features, components, and feature references of a Smart Component. |
| GetSuppression | Gets the suppression state of this component. |
| GetTessNorms | Gets the normal vector for each of the triangles, which make up the shaded picture tessellation for the component. |
| GetTessTriangles | Gets the triangles that make up the shaded picture tessellation for this component. |
| GetTessTriStripEdges | Gets the edge IDs for the triangle strips. |
| GetTessTriStripNorms | Gets the normal vector for each of the triangles, which make up the shaded picture tessellation for this component. |
| GetTessTriStrips | Gets the vertices that make up the shaded picture tessellation for this component. |
| GetTexture | Gets the texture applied to this component in the specified configuration. |
| GetTotalTransform | Combines the original transform of this component with the presentation transform of this component. |
| GetUnloadedComponentNames | Gets the component's unloaded children components' path names, referenced configuration names, reasons why they are unloaded, document types, and names. |
| GetVisibility | Gets the visibility state for this component. |
| GetXform | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::Transform2. |
| HasUnloadedComponents | Gets whether this component has hidden or suppressed unloaded children components. |
| IFindAttribute | Finds an attribute on a component. |
| IGetBody | Gets the body that belongs to this instance of this component. |
| IGetBox | Gets the bounding box for component. |
| IGetChildren | Gets all of the children components of this component. |
| IGetChildrenCount | Gets the number of children components for this component. |
| IGetCorrespondingEntity | Gets the entity that corresponds with the Dispatch pointer in the context of the component. |
| IGetDecals | Gets the decals applied to this component. |
| IGetMaterialPropertyValues2 | Gets the material properties for this component. |
| IGetMaterialPropertyValuesForFace | Gets the color of the specified face. |
| IGetModelDoc | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::GetModelDoc2. |
| IGetModelMaterialPropertyValues | Gets the material properties of this lightweight component in the specified configuration. |
| IGetRenderMaterials | Gets the appearances applied to this component. |
| IGetTemporaryBodyID | Gets the current body tag ID, which is not a permanent ID. |
| IGetTessNorms | Gets the normal vector for each of the triangles, which make up the shaded picture tessellation for the component. |
| IGetTessTriangleCount | Gets the number of triangles that make up the shaded picture tessellation for this component. |
| IGetTessTriangles | Gets the triangles that make up the shaded picture tessellation for this component. |
| IGetTessTriStripEdges | Gets the edge IDs for the triangle strips. |
| IGetTessTriStripEdgeSize | Gets the number of tessellation triangle edges. |
| IGetTessTriStripNorms | Gets the normal vector for each of the triangles, which make up the shaded picture tessellation for this component. |
| IGetTessTriStrips | Gets the vertices that make up the shaded picture tessellation for this component. |
| IGetTessTriStripSize | Gets the array size of floats required to contain the data returned when calling IComponent2::IGetTessTriStrips. |
| IGetVisibility | Gets the visibility state for this component. |
| IGetXform | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::Transform2. |
| IListExternalFileReferences | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::IListExternalFileReferences2. |
| IListExternalFileReferences2 | Gets the names and statuses of the external references on the component. |
| IRemoveMaterialProperty2 | Removes material property values from the component. |
| IsDisplayDataOutOfDate | Gets the status of the display data for this component. |
| IsEnvelope | Gets information about whether this component is an envelope. |
| ISetMaterialPropertyValues2 | Sets the material properties for this component. |
| ISetVisibility | Sets the visibility state for this component. |
| ISetXform | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::Transform2. |
| ISetXformAndSolve | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::SetTransformAndSolve2. |
| IsFixed | Gets whether the component is fixed or floating. |
| IsHidden | Gets whether this component is hidden or suppressed. |
| IsLoaded | Gets whether a component is loaded. |
| IsMirrored | Gets whether this component is mirrored. |
| IsPatternInstance | Gets whether the component is a member of a pattern instance. |
| IsRoot | Gets whether this component is the root component. |
| IsSmartComponent | Gets whether this component is a Smart Component. |
| IsSuppressed | Gets whether this component is suppressed. |
| ListExternalFileReferences | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::ListExternalFileReferences2. |
| ListExternalFileReferences2 | Gets the names and statuses of the external file references on the component. |
| ListExternalFileReferencesCount | Gets the number of external references on the component. |
| MakeVirtual | Makes this component virtual by saving it in the current assembly. |
| RemoveMaterialProperty | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::RemoveMaterialProperty2. |
| RemoveMaterialProperty2 | Removes the appearance from the component. |
| RemovePresentationTransform | Removes the presentation transform from this component. |
| RemoveTexture | Removes the texture from this component in the specified configuration. |
| RemoveTextureByDisplayState | Removes the texture applied to this component in the specified display state. |
| ReplaceReference | Obsolete. Superseded by AssemblyDoc::ReplaceComponents. |
| ResetPropertyExtension | Clears all of the values stored in the property extension. |
| SaveVirtualComponent | Saves a virtual component to an external file. |
| Select | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::Select3. |
| Select2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::Select3. |
| Select3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::Select4. |
| Select4 | Selects the component. |
| SelectByMark | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::Select3. |
| SetCosmosWorksMaterial | Assigns the material to use during analysis to this component. |
| SetMaterialIdName | Sets the material name for this component. |
| SetMaterialPropertyValues2 | Sets the material properties for this component. |
| SetMaterialUserName | Sets the material user name for this component. |
| SetSmartComponentData | Sets the features, components, and feature references of a Smart Component. |
| SetSuppression | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::SetSuppression2. |
| SetSuppression2 | Sets the suppression state of this component. |
| SetTexture | Applies texture to this component in the specified configuration. |
| SetTextureByDisplayState | Sets the texture applied to this component in the specified display state. |
| SetTransformAndSolve | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::SetTransformAndSolve2. |
| SetTransformAndSolve2 | Sets the transform and solves for the mates for this component. |
| SetVisibility | Sets the visibility state for this component. |
| SetXform | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::Transform2. |
| SetXformAndSolve | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::SetTransformAndSolve2. |
| UpdateExternalFileReferences | Updates the external file references of this model. |