Delegate | Description |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ActiveConfigChangeNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when the user is about to switch to a different configuration. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ActiveConfigChangePostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the user has switched to a different configuration. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ActiveDisplayStateChangePostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after the display state of a configuration is changed or after a configuration is changed. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ActiveDisplayStateChangePreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before the display state of a configuration is changed or before a configuration is changed. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ActiveViewChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the active view changes. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_AddCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the user adds a custom property. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_AddItemNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user when a component is added to the FeatureManager design tree. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_AddMatePostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after a mate is added to an assembly. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_AssemblyElectricalDataUpdateNotifyEventHandler | Occurs when the SolidWorks software updates the electrical data. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_AutoSaveNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the assembly document is automatically saved. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_AutoSaveToStorageNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the assembly document is automatically saved to third-party IStream storage. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_AutoSaveToStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the assembly document is automatically saved to third-party IStorage storage. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_BeginInContextEditNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the application that the user is starting to edit an assembly component within the context of the assembly (inside the assembly document window). |
DAssemblyDocEvents_BodyVisibleChangeNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the application that the user is starting to edit an assembly component within the context of the assembly (inside the assembly document window). |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ChangeCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the user has changed a custom property. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ClearSelectionsNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when selections are cleared using Clear Selections. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_CloseDesignTableNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies your application that a design table that was being edited is about to be closed. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_CommandManagerTabActivatedPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies you that a SolidWorks CommandManager tab is about to be activated. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentConfigurationChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a reference component's configuration is being changed in an assembly. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentDisplayModeChangePostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after a reference component's display mode is changed in an assembly. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentDisplayModeChangePreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before a reference component's display mode is changed in an assembly. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentDisplayStateChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the display state, such as shaded, wireframe, and so on, of a component is changed. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentMoveNotify2EventHandler | Post-notification that is sent when a user releases the mouse button indicating that the components have been moved to the desired destination. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentMoveNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. See DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentMoveNotifyEventHandler2. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentReferredDisplayStateChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a component's referenced display state changes. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentReorganizeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when one or more components are reorganized in an assembly or sub-assembly. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentStateChangeNotify2EventHandler | Fired whenever the state of a component within this assembly changes. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentStateChangeNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentStateChangeNotify2EventHandler. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentVisibleChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fires when a component is changed to hidden or shown |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentVisualPropertiesChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a visual property, such as color, transparency, and so on, of a component is changed. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ConfigurationChangeNotifyEventHandler | Gets information about an object or feature that has had one of its configurable parameters changed. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_DeleteCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the user deletes a custom property. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_DeleteItemNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when an item is deleted from one of the SolidWorks tree structures (for example, the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager tree). |
DAssemblyDocEvents_DeleteItemPreNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when an item is about to be deleted from one of the SolidWorks tree structures (for example, the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager tree). |
DAssemblyDocEvents_DeleteSelectionPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when the selection is deleted. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when an assembly document is about to be destroyed. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DAssemblyDocEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_DimensionChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a dimension is changed through the Dimension dialog. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_DragStateChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when starting or stopping the dragging of an Instant3D manipulator. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_DynamicHighlightNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the application when dynamic highlighting of the selected object changes from on to off, and vice versa. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_EndInContextEditNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the application that the user is done editing an assembly component within the context of the assembly (inside the assembly document window). |
DAssemblyDocEvents_EquationEditorPostNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your application that the equation editor is being destroyed. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_EquationEditorPreNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your application that an the equation editor has been constructed. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FeatureEditPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when the user edits the definition of a selected feature. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FeatureManagerFilterStringChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when text is typed in the FeatureManager design tree filter or IModelDocExtension::FeatureManagerFilterString is called. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FeatureManagerTreeRebuildNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the active document's FeatureManager design tree is being rebuilt. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FeatureSketchEditPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when the user edits the definition of a sketch. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileDropNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a part is dropped from Windows Explorer into an assembly. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileDropPostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies user applications when a part is dropped from Windows Explorer into an assembly. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileDropPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies user applications when a part is dropped from Windows Explorer into an assembly document. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileReloadCancelNotifyEventHandler | Fired if the IAssembly event FileReloadNotify is canceled. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileReloadNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when an assembly document is reloaded. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileReloadPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when an assembly document is reloaded. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotify2EventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when a file is about to be saved with a new name and passes the new document name. This event is sent before SolidWorks displays the File Save dialog. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DAssemblyDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotify2EventHandler. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileSaveNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when a file is about to be saved and passes the current document name. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileSavePostCancelNotifyEventHandler | Fired if FileSavePostNotify is not fired. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FileSavePostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a file is saved in SolidWorks. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_FlipLoopNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your program when a loop flips. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_InsertTableNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your program when a table has been inserted in an assembly. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_InterferenceNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your program about an interference between parts in the assembly during the Move/Rotate Component command. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_LightingDialogCreateNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a lighting dialog has been opened by the user. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_LoadFromStorageNotifyEventHandler | Fired when it is safe to load data from third-party IStream storage. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_LoadFromStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler | Fired when it is safe to load data from third-party IStorage storage. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ModifyNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a document is marked dirty for the first time. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ModifyTableNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your program when a table has been modified in an assembly. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_NewSelectionNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the selection list has changed. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_OpenDesignTableNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies your application that a design table has been opened for editing. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_PromptBodiesToKeepNotifyEventHandler | Generated when a body is cut into multiple bodies. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_RedoPostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after a Redo operation occurs in an assembly document. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_RedoPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before a Redo operation occurs in an assembly document. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_RegenNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when an assembly document is about to be rebuilt. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_RegenPostNotify2EventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when an assembly document has been rebuilt or rolled back. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_RegenPostNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DAssemblyDocEvents_RegenPostNotify2EventHandler. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_RenameItemNotifyEventHandler | Fired when an item is renamed in one of the SolidWorks tree structures, such as the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager tree. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_SaveToStorageNotifyEventHandler | Fired when it is safe to save data to third-party IStream storage. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_SaveToStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler | Fired when it is safe to save data to third-party IStorage storage. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_SelectiveOpenPostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when assembly components are selected for Quick View/Selective Open. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_SensorAlertPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before a sensor's value deviates from its limits in an assembly document. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_SketchSolveNotifyEventHandler | Fired whenever the sketch is solved; for example, when dragging a sketch entity, adding or editing relations, changing dimensions, and so on. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_SuppressionStateChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the suppression state of a feature changes. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_UndoPostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after an Undo operation occurs in an assembly document. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_UndoPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before an Undo operation occurs in an assembly document. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_UnitsChangeNotifyEventHandler | Raised when the document units change. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_UserSelectionPostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after an entity is selected in an assembly document. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_UserSelectionPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired when an interactive user moves the cursor over or clicks a model view in an assembly document. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ViewNewNotify2EventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a new view model window has been created. |
DAssemblyDocEvents_ViewNewNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. See DAssemblyDocEvents_ViewNewNotify2EventHandler. |
DDrawingDocEvents_ActivateSheetPostNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program after activating the drawing sheet. |
DDrawingDocEvents_ActivateSheetPreNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program before activating the drawing sheet. |
DDrawingDocEvents_ActiveConfigChangeNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when the user is about to switch to a different configuration. |
DDrawingDocEvents_ActiveConfigChangePostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the user has switched to a different configuration. |
DDrawingDocEvents_AddCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the user has added a custom property. |
DDrawingDocEvents_AddItemNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when an item is added to one of the SolidWorks tree structures (for example, FeatureManager design tree, ConfigurationManager tree, and so on). |
DDrawingDocEvents_AutoSaveNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the drawing document is automatically saved. |
DDrawingDocEvents_AutoSaveToStorageNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the drawing document is automatically saved to third-party IStream storage. |
DDrawingDocEvents_AutoSaveToStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the drawing document is automatically saved to third-party IStorage storage. |
DDrawingDocEvents_ChangeCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the user has changed a custom property. |
DDrawingDocEvents_ClearSelectionsNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when selections are cleared using Clear Selections. |
DDrawingDocEvents_CommandManagerTabActivatedPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies you that a SolidWorks CommandManager tab is about to be activated. |
DDrawingDocEvents_DeleteCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the user deletes a custom property. |
DDrawingDocEvents_DeleteItemNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when an item is deleted from one of the SolidWorks tree structures (for example, the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager tree). |
DDrawingDocEvents_DeleteItemPreNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when an item is about to be deleted from one of the SolidWorks tree structures (for example, the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager tree). |
DDrawingDocEvents_DeleteSelectionPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when the selection is deleted. |
DDrawingDocEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when a drawing document is about to be destroyed. |
DDrawingDocEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DDrawingDocEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler. |
DDrawingDocEvents_DimensionChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a dimension is changed through the Dimension dialog. |
DDrawingDocEvents_DynamicHighlightNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the application when dynamic highlighting of the selected object changes from on to off, and vice versa. |
DDrawingDocEvents_EquationEditorPostNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your application that the equation editor is being destroyed. |
DDrawingDocEvents_EquationEditorPreNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your application that an the equation editor has been constructed. |
DDrawingDocEvents_FeatureManagerTreeRebuildNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the active document's FeatureManager design tree is being rebuilt. |
DDrawingDocEvents_FileReloadPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user application when a drawing document is reloaded. |
DDrawingDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotify2EventHandler | Sends pre-notification before displaying the File, Save dialog. |
DDrawingDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DDrawingDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotify2EventHandler. |
DDrawingDocEvents_FileSaveNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when a file is about to be saved and passes the current document name. |
DDrawingDocEvents_FileSavePostCancelNotifyEventHandler | Fired if FileSavePostNotify is not fired. |
DDrawingDocEvents_FileSavePostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a drawing is saved in SolidWorks. |
DDrawingDocEvents_InsertTableNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your program when a table has been inserted in a drawing. |
DDrawingDocEvents_LoadFromStorageNotifyEventHandler | Fired when it is safe to load data from third-party IStream storage. |
DDrawingDocEvents_LoadFromStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler | Fired when it is safe to load data from third-party IStorage storage. |
DDrawingDocEvents_ModifyNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a document is marked as dirty for the first time. |
DDrawingDocEvents_ModifyTableNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your program when a table has been modified in a drawing. |
DDrawingDocEvents_NewSelectionNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the selection list has changed. |
DDrawingDocEvents_RedoPostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after a Redo operation occurs in a drawing document. |
DDrawingDocEvents_RedoPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before a Redo operation occurs in a drawing document. |
DDrawingDocEvents_RegenNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when a drawing document is about to be regenerated. |
DDrawingDocEvents_RegenPostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a drawing document has been regenerated. |
DDrawingDocEvents_RenameItemNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when an item is renamed in one of the SolidWorks tree structures (for example, such as the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager tree). |
DDrawingDocEvents_SaveToStorageNotifyEventHandler | Fired when it is safe to save data to third-party IStream storage. |
DDrawingDocEvents_SaveToStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler | Fired when it is safe to save data to third-party IStorage storage. |
DDrawingDocEvents_SketchSolveNotifyEventHandler | Fired whenever the sketch is solved; for example, when dragging a sketch entity, adding or editing relations, changing dimensions, and so on. This event returns the name of the sketch feature being updated. |
DDrawingDocEvents_UndoPostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after an Undo action occurs in a drawing document. |
DDrawingDocEvents_UndoPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before an Undo action occurs in a drawing document. |
DDrawingDocEvents_UnitsChangeNotifyEventHandler | Raised when document units change. |
DDrawingDocEvents_UserSelectionPostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after an entity is selected in a drawing document. |
DDrawingDocEvents_UserSelectionPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired when an interactive user moves the cursor over or clicks a drawing view in a drawing document. |
DDrawingDocEvents_ViewCreatePreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user application when a drawing view is about to be created. |
DDrawingDocEvents_ViewNewNotify2EventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a new view window is created. |
DDrawingDocEvents_ViewNewNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DDrawingDocEvents_ViewNewNotify2EventHandler. |
DFeatMgrViewEvents_ActivateNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program once a FeatureManager design tree view is activated and returns the view handle. |
DFeatMgrViewEvents_DeactivateNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program once a FeatureManager design tree view is deactivated and returns the view handle. |
DFeatMgrViewEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when a FeatureManager design tree view is about to be destroyed and returns the view handle. |
DModelViewEvents_BufferSwapNotifyEventHandler | Fired from the model view immediately before the buffers are swapped when rendering shaded graphics in OpenGL. |
DModelViewEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when a model view is about to be destroyed. |
DModelViewEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DModelViewEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler. |
DModelViewEvents_DisplayModeChangePostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a model view display mode is changed. |
DModelViewEvents_DisplayModeChangePreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when a model view display mode is about to be changed. |
DModelViewEvents_GraphicsRenderPostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after all SolidWorks graphics are drawn, including SolidWorks model, sketch, dimension, and annotation graphics. |
DModelViewEvents_PerspectiveViewNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the perspective view is changed (for example, if the user rotates the perspective view). |
DModelViewEvents_PrintNotify2EventHandler | Notifies the user program when a document is printed. |
DModelViewEvents_PrintNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DModelViewEvents_PrintNotify2EventHandler. |
DModelViewEvents_RenderLayer0NotifyEventHandler | Fired whenever SolidWorks renders to Layer0. |
DModelViewEvents_RepaintNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when a view is about to be repainted and returns the paint type. |
DModelViewEvents_RepaintPostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a view has been repainted. |
DModelViewEvents_UserClearSelectionsNotifyEventHandler | This event is fired when a user:
Clicks the right-mouse button when the pointer is over a selection box on a PropertyManager page.
Selects Clear Selections on the short-cut menu. |
DModelViewEvents_ViewChangeNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a view is altered and returns the new transform matrix of the view. |
DMouseEvents_MouseLBtnDblClkNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the left-mouse button is double-clicked. |
DMouseEvents_MouseLBtnDownNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the left-mouse button is pressed down. |
DMouseEvents_MouseLBtnUpNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the left-mouse button is released after being pressed. |
DMouseEvents_MouseMBtnDblClkNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the middle-mouse button is double-clicked. |
DMouseEvents_MouseMBtnDownNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the middle-mouse button is pressed down. |
DMouseEvents_MouseMBtnUpNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the middle-mouse button is released after being pressed. |
DMouseEvents_MouseMoveNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the mouse pointer is moved. |
DMouseEvents_MouseNotifyEventHandler | Fired whenever a mouse event occurs. |
DMouseEvents_MouseRBtnDblClkNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the right-mouse button is double-clicked. |
DMouseEvents_MouseRBtnDownNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the right-mouse button is pressed down. |
DMouseEvents_MouseRBtnUpNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the right-mouse button is released after being pressed down. |
DMouseEvents_MouseSelectNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the user makes a selection in the model view using the mouse. |
DPartDocEvents_ActiveConfigChangeNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when the user is about to switch to a different configuration. |
DPartDocEvents_ActiveConfigChangePostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the user has switched to a different configuration. |
DPartDocEvents_ActiveDisplayStateChangePostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after the display state of a configuration is changed or after a configuration is changed. |
DPartDocEvents_ActiveDisplayStateChangePreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before the display state of a configuration is changed or before a configuration is changed. |
DPartDocEvents_ActiveViewChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the active view changes. |
DPartDocEvents_AddCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the user has added a custom property. |
DPartDocEvents_AddItemNotifyEventHandler | Fired when an item is added to one of the SolidWorks tree structures such as the FeatureManager design tree and the ConfigurationManager. |
DPartDocEvents_AutoSaveNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the part document is automatically saved. |
DPartDocEvents_AutoSaveToStorageNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the part document is automatically saved to third-party IStream storage. |
DPartDocEvents_AutoSaveToStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the part document is automatically saved to third-party IStorage storage. |
DPartDocEvents_BodyVisibleChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired whenever the visible state of a body within this part changes. |
DPartDocEvents_ChangeCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the user has changed a custom property. |
DPartDocEvents_ClearSelectionsNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when selections are cleared using Clear Selections. |
DPartDocEvents_CloseDesignTableNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies your application that a design table that was opened for editing is about to be closed. |
DPartDocEvents_CommandManagerTabActivatedPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies you that a SolidWorks CommandManager tab is about to be activated. |
DPartDocEvents_ConfigurationChangeNotifyEventHandler | Gets information about an object or feature that has had one if its configurable parameters changed. |
DPartDocEvents_DeleteCustomPropertyNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the user has deleted a custom property. |
DPartDocEvents_DeleteItemNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when an item is deleted from one of the SolidWorks tree structures, such as the FeatureManager design tree and the ConfigurationManager. |
DPartDocEvents_DeleteItemPreNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when an item is about to be deleted from one of the SolidWorks tree structures, such as the FeatureManager design tree and the ConfigurationManager. |
DPartDocEvents_DeleteSelectionPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user when the selection is deleted. |
DPartDocEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when a part document is about to be destroyed. |
DPartDocEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DPartDocEvents_DestroyNotify2EventHandler. |
DPartDocEvents_DimensionChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a dimension is changed through the Dimension dialog. |
DPartDocEvents_DragStateChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when starting or stopping the dragging of an Instant3D manipulator. |
DPartDocEvents_DynamicHighlightNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the application when dynamic highlighting of the selected object changes from on to off, and vice versa. |
DPartDocEvents_EquationEditorPostNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your application that the equation editor is being destroyed. |
DPartDocEvents_EquationEditorPreNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your application that an the equation editor has been constructed. |
DPartDocEvents_FeatureEditPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when the user edits the definition of a selected feature. |
DPartDocEvents_FeatureManagerFilterStringChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when text is typed in the FeatureManager design tree filter or IModelDocExtension::FeatureManagerFilterString is called. |
DPartDocEvents_FeatureManagerTreeRebuildNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the active document's FeatureManager design tree is being rebuilt. |
DPartDocEvents_FeatureSketchEditPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when the user edits the definition of a sketch. |
DPartDocEvents_FileDropPostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies user applications when a part is dropped from Windows Explorer into a part document. |
DPartDocEvents_FileDropPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies user applications when a part is dropped from Windows Explorer into a part document. |
DPartDocEvents_FileReloadCancelNotifyEventHandler | Fired if FileReloadNotify is canceled. |
DPartDocEvents_FileReloadNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a part document is reloaded. |
DPartDocEvents_FileReloadPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when an part document is reloaded |
DPartDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotify2EventHandler | Sends pre-notification before displaying the File, Save dialog. |
DPartDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DPartDocEvents_FileSaveAsNotify2EventHandler. |
DPartDocEvents_FileSaveNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when a file is about to be saved and passes the current document name. |
DPartDocEvents_FileSavePostCancelNotifyEventHandler | Fired if FileSavePostNotify is not fired. |
DPartDocEvents_FileSavePostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a part document is saved. |
DPartDocEvents_FlipLoopNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a loop is flipped. |
DPartDocEvents_InsertTableNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your program when a table has been inserted in a part. |
DPartDocEvents_LightingDialogCreateNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a lighting dialog has been opened by the user. |
DPartDocEvents_LoadFromStorageNotifyEventHandler | Fired when it is safe to load data from third-party IStream storage. |
DPartDocEvents_LoadFromStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler | Fired when it is safe to load data from third-party IStorage storage. |
DPartDocEvents_ModifyNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when a document is marked as dirty for the first time. |
DPartDocEvents_ModifyTableNotifyEventHandler | Notifies your program when a table has been modified in a part. |
DPartDocEvents_NewSelectionNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the selection list has changed. |
DPartDocEvents_OpenDesignTableNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies your application that a design table has been opened for editing. |
DPartDocEvents_PromptBodiesToKeepNotifyEventHandler | Generated when a body is cut into multiple bodies. |
DPartDocEvents_RedoPostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after a Redo operation occurs in a part document. |
DPartDocEvents_RedoPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before a Redo operation occurs in a part document. |
DPartDocEvents_RegenNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when a part document is about to be rebuilt. |
DPartDocEvents_RegenPostNotify2EventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a part document has been rebuilt or rolled back. |
DPartDocEvents_RegenPostNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DPartDocEvetns_RegenPostNotify2EventHandler. |
DPartDocEvents_RenameItemNotifyEventHandler | Fired when an item is renamed in one of the SolidWorks tree structures, such as the FeatureManager design tree or the ConfigurationManager. |
DPartDocEvents_SaveToStorageNotifyEventHandler | Fired when it is safe to save data to third-party IStream storage. |
DPartDocEvents_SaveToStorageStoreNotifyEventHandler | Fired when it is safe to save data to third-party IStorage storage. |
DPartDocEvents_SensorAlertPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before a sensor's value deviates from its limits in a part document. |
DPartDocEvents_SketchSolveNotifyEventHandler | Fired whenever the sketch is solved; for example, when dragging a sketch entity, adding or editing relations, changing dimensions, and so on. This event returns the name of the sketch feature being updated. |
DPartDocEvents_SuppressionStateChangeNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the suppression state of a feature changes. |
DPartDocEvents_UndoPostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after an Undo action occurs in a part document. |
DPartDocEvents_UndoPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before an Undo operation occurs in a part document. |
DPartDocEvents_UnitsChangeNotifyEventHandler | Generated when document units change. |
DPartDocEvents_UserSelectionPostNotifyEventHandler | Fired after an entity is selected in a part document. |
DPartDocEvents_UserSelectionPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired when an interactive user moves the cursor over or clicks a model view in a part document. |
DPartDocEvents_ViewNewNotify2EventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a new model view window is created. For example, this event is sent for each new model view created by the window split bar. |
DPartDocEvents_ViewNewNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DPartDocEvents_ViewNewNotify2EventHandler. |
DPartDocEvents_WeldmentCutListUpdatePostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the weldment cut list in this part is updated. |
DSldWorksEvents_ActiveDocChangeNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the active window has changed. This change can be between windows of the same document or between windows of different documents. |
DSldWorksEvents_ActiveModelDocChangeNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when the active IModelDoc2 object has changed. |
DSldWorksEvents_BackgroundProcessingEndNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when background processing has ended. |
DSldWorksEvents_BackgroundProcessingStartNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when background processing has started. |
DSldWorksEvents_BeginRecordNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when a macro recording has started. |
DSldWorksEvents_BeginTranslationNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when the SolidWorks applications starts to import or export a file. |
DSldWorksEvents_CommandCloseNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a command, including a PropertyManager page, is okay'd or canceled by a user. |
DSldWorksEvents_CommandOpenPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before a command, including a PropertyManager page, executes or opens. |
DSldWorksEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler | Sent to an MFC-based or a COM-based DLL add-in when SolidWorks is about to be destroyed. |
DSldWorksEvents_DocumentConversionNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies the user program that a file has been converted from an older version of SolidWorks during the open operation. |
DSldWorksEvents_DocumentLoadNotify2EventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a SolidWorks document is loaded. |
DSldWorksEvents_DocumentLoadNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DSldWorksEvetns_DocumentLoadNotify2EventHandler. |
DSldWorksEvents_EndRecordNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when a macro recording has ended, including if the user cancels the recording (i.e., the user cancels out of the Save As dialog and says No to the SolidWorks Continue recording? dialog). |
DSldWorksEvents_EndTranslationNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when the SolidWorks application is finished importing or exporting a file. |
DSldWorksEvents_FileCloseNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when SolidWorks is finished closing a file. |
DSldWorksEvents_FileNewNotify2EventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when a new file is created. |
DSldWorksEvents_FileNewNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DSldWorksEvents_FileNewNotify2EventHandler. |
DSldWorksEvents_FileNewPreNotifyEventHandler | Fired before a new document is created either using the SolidWorks API or the SolidWorks user-interface. |
DSldWorksEvents_FileOpenNotify2EventHandler | Post-notifies the user program when an existing file has been opened. |
DSldWorksEvents_FileOpenNotifyEventHandler | Obsolete. Superseded by DSldWorksEvents_FileOpenNotify2EventHandler. |
DSldWorksEvents_FileOpenPostNotifyEventHandler | Post-notification fired by SolidWorks when a file has been opened. |
DSldWorksEvents_FileOpenPreNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notification of FileOpenNotify2 event fired by SolidWorks. |
DSldWorksEvents_LightSheetCreateNotifyEventHandler | Fired when a lighting sheet has been created. |
DSldWorksEvents_NonNativeFileOpenNotifyEventHandler | Fired when non-native SolidWorks files are opened. |
DSldWorksEvents_OnIdleNotifyEventHandler | Fired after all of the messages have been processed, included posted repaints; therefore, eliminating the need to call IModelDoc2::GraphicsRedraw2. |
DSldWorksEvents_PromptForFilenameNotifyEventHandler | Generated when a dependent document is missing from the file being opened. |
DSldWorksEvents_PromptForMultipleFileNamesNotifyEventHandler | Generated when any dependent documents are missing from the file being opened. |
DSldWorksEvents_PropertySheetCreateNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program when an exported ISWPropertySheet is created so that the application can add pages to it. |
DSldWorksEvents_ReferencedFilePreNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program before SolidWorks starts searching for the specified referenced file. |
DSldWorksEvents_ReferenceNotFoundNotifyEventHandler | Notifies the user program before the SolidWorks software displays a dialog box prompting the end-user to browse for the referenced file. |
DSWPropertySheetEvents_CreateControlNotifyEventHandler | Fired when the ActiveX control is created on the property page. |
DSWPropertySheetEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler | Sent when the property sheet is in the process of being destroyed. |
DSWPropertySheetEvents_HelpNotifyEventHandler | Sent when the Help button is clicked on a property sheet. |
DSWPropertySheetEvents_OnCancelNotifyEventHandler | Sent when the Cancel button on the property sheet is clicked. Your add-in can perform clean-up activities in this event. |
DSWPropertySheetEvents_OnOKNotifyEventHandler | Sent when the OK button on the property sheet is clicked. |
DTaskpaneViewEvents_TaskPaneActivateNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies your application when an application-level Task Pane view is activated. |
DTaskpaneViewEvents_TaskPaneDeactivateNotifyEventHandler | Post-notifies your application when an application-level Task Pane view is deactivated. |
DTaskpaneViewEvents_TaskPaneDestroyNotifyEventHandler | Pre-notifies the user program when an application-level Task Pane view is about to be destroyed. |
DTaskpaneViewEvents_TaskPaneToolbarButtonClickedEventHandler | Fired when a toolbar button on the Task Pane is clicked. |