| Name | Description |
| AddAlongXDimension | Projects and displays along the x axis a dimension between selected points in a 3D sketch. |
| AddAlongYDimension | Projects and displays along the y axis a dimension between selected points in a 3D sketch. |
| AddAlongZDimension | Projects and displays along the z axis a dimension between selected points in a 3D sketch. |
| ConvertEntities | Not implemented. Use ISketchManager::SketchUseEdge2. |
| Create3PointArc | Creates a 3-point arc. |
| Create3PointCenterRectangle | Creates a 3-point center rectangle at any angle. |
| Create3PointCornerRectangle | Creates a 3-point corner rectangle at any angle. |
| CreateArc | Creates an arc based on a center point, a start, end point, and a direction. |
| CreateBoundaryHatch | Creates area hatch/fill boundary hatches using closed sketch profiles. |
| CreateCenterLine | Creates a center line between the specified points. |
| CreateCenterRectangle | Creates a center rectangle. |
| CreateChamfer | Creates a chamfer between two selected sketch entities. |
| CreateCircle | Creates a circle based on a center point and a point on the circle. |
| CreateCircleByRadius | Creates a circle based on a center point and a specified radius. |
| CreateCircularSketchStepAndRepeat | Creates circular sketch pattern. |
| CreateConic | Creates a conic curve in the active sketch. |
| CreateConstructionGeometry | Sets selected sketch segments to be construction geometry instead of sketch geometry. |
| CreateCornerRectangle | Creates a corner rectangle. |
| CreateEllipse | Creates an ellipse using the specified center, major-axis, and minor-axis points. |
| CreateEllipticalArc | Creates a partial ellipse given a center point, two points that specify the major and minor axis, and two points that define the elliptical start and end points. |
| CreateEquationSpline | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateEquationSpline2. |
| CreateEquationSpline2 | Creates an equation-driven 2D explicit or parametric curve or a 3D parametric curve. |
| CreateFillet | Creates a sketch fillet between the two sketch selected entities. |
| CreateLine | Creates a sketch line in the currently active 2D or 3D sketch. |
| CreateLinearSketchStepAndRepeat | Creates a linear sketch pattern. |
| CreateParabola | Creates a parabola in the active sketch. |
| CreateParallelogram | Creates a parallelogram. |
| CreatePoint | Creates a sketch point in the active 2D or 3D sketch. |
| CreatePolygon | Creates a polygon in the active sketch. |
| CreateRegionHatch | Creates an area hatch/fill region hatch using a closed sketch profile. |
| CreateSketchBelt | Creates a sketch belt feature. |
| CreateSketchPlane | Creates a 3D sketch plane. |
| CreateSketchSlot | Creates a sketch slot. |
| CreateSpline | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateSpline2. |
| CreateSpline2 | Creates a spline passing through the specified points. |
| CreateSplineByEqnParams | Creates a B-curve from B-spline data; that is, a set of B-spline vertices (control points) and a knot vector. |
| CreateSplineParamData | Creates an empty spline parameter data object. |
| CreateSplinesByEqnParams | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::CreateSplinesByEqnParams2. |
| CreateSplinesByEqnParams2 | Creates one or more spline segments using the B-curve parameters provided. |
| CreateTangentArc | Creates a tangent arc. |
| EditCircularSketchStepAndRepeat | Edits a circular sketch pattern. |
| EditLinearSketchStepAndRepeat | Edits a linear sketch pattern. |
| EditSketchBlock | Puts the block definition in edit mode. |
| EndEditSketchBlock | Saves or discards your edits of the block and then ends the current editing session of this block. |
| ExplodeSketchBlockInstance | Explodes the specified block instance. |
| FullyDefineSketch | Fully defines a sketch. |
| GetDynamicMirror | Gets whether dynamic sketch mirroring, which is the automatic mirroring of newly created sketch entities about a selected centerline, is enabled. |
| GetSketchBlockDefinitionCount | Gets the number of block definitions in the model. |
| GetSketchBlockDefinitions | Gets all of the block definitions. |
| ICreateSpline | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchManager::ICreateSpline2. |
| ICreateSpline2 | Creates a spline passing through the given points. |
| ICreateSplineByEqnParams | Creates a B-curve from B-spline data; that is, a set of B-spline vertices (control points) and a knot vector. |
| ICreateSplinesByEqnParams | Creates one or more spline segments using the B-curve parameters provided. |
| IGetSketchBlockDefinitions | Gets all of the block definitions. |
| Insert3DSketch | Inserts a new 3D sketch in a model or closes the active sketch. |
| InsertExplodeLineSketch | Inserts or closes an explode line sketch in an exploded view. |
| InsertSketch | Inserts a new sketch in the current part or assembly document. |
| InsertSketchBlockInstance | Inserts a block instance at the specified location using the block definition. |
| InsertSketchPicture | Inserts a picture on the current sketch. |
| IntersectCurves | Creates a sketched intersection curve. |
| MakeSketchBlockFromFile | Creates a block definition using the specified file. |
| MakeSketchBlockFromSelected | Creates a block definition at the specified location from the selected entities. |
| MakeSketchBlockFromSketch | Creates a block definition at the specified location using all of the sketch entities in the active sketch. |
| MakeSketchChain | Creates a sketch relation path using the selected entities. |
| PerimeterCircle | Draws a 3-point perimeter arc. |
| RotateOrCopy3DAboutVector | Rotates, and optionally copies, the selected 3D sketch entities about the specified vector. |
| RotateOrCopy3DAboutXYZ | Rotates, and optionally copies, the selected 3D sketch entities about the specified x, y, and z coordinates. |
| SetDynamicMirror | Enables or disables dynamic sketch mirroring, which is the automatic mirroring of newly created sketch entities about a selected centerline. |
| SetGridOptions | Sets the options for the grid. |
| SketchExtend | Adds to the length of the selected sketch entity (i.e., line, centerline, or arc) to meet the nearest sketch entity. |
| SketchOffset | Offsets the selected sketch entities. |
| SketchReplace | Replaces a sketch entity in a model with another sketch entity, preserving all references. |
| SketchTrim | Trims the selected sketch entities. |
| SketchUseEdge | Uses the selected edges to generate geometry in the active sketch. |
| SketchUseEdge2 | Create one or more curves in a sketch by projecting a selected edge, loop, face, curve, or external sketch contour, set of edges, or set of sketch curves onto a sketch plane. |
| SplitClosedSegment | Splits the selected closed sketch segment into two sketch segments. |
| SplitOpenSegment | Splits the selected open sketch segment into two sketch segments. |