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Using SwAddin to Create a SolidWorks Add-In

You can create a SolidWorks add-in using the ISwAddin object instead of using a SolidWorks add-in wizard.

When you use the ISwAddin object to create a SolidWorks add-in, the add-in must include some specific functionality and code. It is also important to understand what the SolidWorks software does for the add-in. Click a link to read that section.

What does the add-in have to do?

The add-in DLL must be created as a COM Server and it must:

  1. Implement a co-creatable object that supports SwAddin.

  2. Call regsvr32 during installation. Register the add-in CLSID in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\AddIns and set the following registry keys:

    to 1 or 0, where 1 enables the add-in in the add-in manager so that it loads when the user starts the SolidWorks software.

    to a text description of the add-in that is displayed in the add-in manager.

    to a text title of the description that is displayed in the add-in manager.

  3. Define event handlers as needed.

In its implementation of ISwAddin::ConnectToSW, the add-in can:

  1. Call ISldWorks::SetAddinCallbackInfo and pass the instance handle of the add-in and the object that supports the callback methods. The SolidWorks software holds onto this object and makes callbacks.

  2. Call ISldWorks::AddMenuItem3 and pass the callback method associated with the menu item.

  3. Call ISldWorks::AddToolbar4 and pass the callback method associated with the toolbar button.

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What does the SolidWorks software do?

When the end-user starts the SolidWorks software, it:

  1. Checks the registry for add-ins.

  2. Creates an object associated with the CLSID of the add-in.

  3. Performs a QueryInterface on the add-in looking for the SwAddin object.

  4. Calls ISwAddin::ConnectToSW and passes a pointer to the SolidWorks session and the add-in ID.

When the user closes the SolidWorks software or disables an add-in in the add-in Manager, the SolidWorks software:

  1. Calls ISwAddin::DisconnectFromSW, providing the add-in an opportunity for cleanup.

  2. Destroys the object it created with the add-in CLSID.

If the end-user disables an add-in in the add-in manager, the SolidWorks software does not reload the next time the SolidWorks software starts. If the end-user closes the SolidWorks software with an add-in enabled, the SolidWorks software reloads the add-in the next time it starts.

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To learn more about add-ins and their menu items and toolbars:



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