| Name | Description |
| AfterActivation | Called after the PropertyManager page has been activated. |
| AfterClose | Called after the PropertyManager page is closed. |
| OnActiveXControlCreated | Called when an attempt to create an ActiveX control on the PropertyManager page occurs. |
| OnButtonPress | Called when a user clicks this button on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnCheckboxCheck | Called when a user selects this check box on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnClose | Called when this PropertyManager page is closing. |
| OnComboboxEditChanged | Called when a user changes the text string in the text box of a combo box on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnComboboxSelectionChanged | Called when a user changes the selected item in a combo box on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnGainedFocus | Called when a control (edit box, combo box, list box, or number box) gains focus on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnGroupCheck | Called when a user selects the check box in the title of a group box on a PropertyManager page. |
| OnGroupExpand | Called when a user clicks an arrow to open a group box on the PropertyManager page. |
| OnHelp | Called when a user clicks the Help button on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnKeystroke | Processes a keystroke that occurred on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnListboxRMBUp | Called when the right-mouse button is released in a list box on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnListboxSelectionChanged | Called when a user changes the selected item in a list box or selection list box on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnLostFocus | Called when a control (edit box, combo box, list box, or number box) loses focus on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnNextPage | Called when a user clicks the Next button on the PropertyManager page. |
| OnNumberboxChanged | Called when a user changes the value in the number box on a PropertyManager page. |
| OnNumberBoxTrackingCompleted | Called when a user finishes changing the value in the number box on a PropertyManager page. |
| OnOptionCheck | Called when a user selects an option (radio button) on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnPopupMenuItem | Determines which item was selected when the user selects a pop-up menu item. |
| OnPopupMenuItemUpdate | When Windows attempts to select or deselect and enable or disable the pop-up menu item, SolidWorks calls this method to get the state of the menu item from the add-in. |
| OnPreview | Called when a user clicks the Preview button on a PropertyManager page. |
| OnPreviousPage | Called when a user clicks the Back button on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnRedo | Called when a user clicks the Redo button on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnSelectionboxCalloutCreated | Performs some processing while the callout for this selection box is created. |
| OnSelectionboxCalloutDestroyed | Performs some processing after the callout for this selection box is destroyed. |
| OnSelectionboxFocusChanged | Indicates that the active selection list box has changed. |
| OnSelectionboxListChanged | Called when a user changes the selection list in a selection box on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnSliderPositionChanged | lled whenever the user changes the position of a slider control on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnSliderTrackingCompleted | Called when a user finishes dragging a slider control on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnSubmitSelection | Called when a selection is made, which allows the add-in to accept or reject the selection. |
| OnTabClicked | Called when a user clicks a tab on a multi-tab PropertyManager page. |
| OnTextboxChanged | Called when a user changes the string in a text box on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnUndo | Called when a user clicks the Undo button on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnWhatsNew | Called when a user clicks the What's New button on this PropertyManager page. |
| OnWindowFromHandleControlCreated | Called when an attempt is made to create a .NET control on the PropertyManager page. |