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Appearances Mapping PropertyManager

Use the Mapping PM_Mapping_tab.gif tab in the Appearances PropertyManager to map textured appearances in part or assembly documents. Mapping controls size, orientation, and location of materials such as fabrics, stoneware (tile, marble, etc.), and plastics (patterned, composite, etc.).

The Advanced tab contains additional options for Mapping PM_Mapping_tab.gif. To display the simplified Mapping PM_Mapping_tab.gif interface, click the Basic tab.

To display this PropertyManager:

In the DisplayManager, click View Appearances . Right-click an appearance and select Appearance. In the PropertyManager, click the Mapping tab.

Selected Geometry

For assemblies only:
Apply at component level For entities that you select while this option is active, affects the assembly component. The subassembly and part documents do not change.
Apply at part document level For entities that you select while this option is active, affects the part document.
For parts or assemblies applied at the part level:
Selected Entities Use Selection filters to select the type of geometric entity to which to apply mapping, then from the graphics area, select items to add to Selected Entities.
Remove Appearance Removes the appearance from the items in Selected Entities.


You can only edit mapping properties for items with textural appearances.
  Mapping type Select a value:  
  Automatic (also called Box). The texture space maps to one of the X, Y, and Z axes. The Automatic texture space is appropriate for most planar geometry. texture_automatic.gif
Spherical. The texture space maps all points onto the surface of a sphere. texture_spherical.gif
Cylindrical. The texture space maps all points onto a cylinder. texture_cylindrical.gif
Projection. The texture space maps all points based on a projection direction. texture_none.gif
Surface. The texture space maps all points based on the UV texture coordinates of the model. texture_surface.gif
PM_projection_direction.gif Axis direction or Projection direction Available only when Mapping type is set to Cylindrical or Projection. Select a value:
  XY. Use the XY aligned plane to map texture direction. mapping_projection_xy.gif
ZX. Use the ZX aligned plane to map texture direction. mapping_projection_zx.gif
YZ. Use the YZ aligned plane to map texture direction. mapping_projection_yz.gif
Current View. Use the current orientation to map texture direction mapping_projection_current-view.gif
Selected Reference. Select an edge or a face for Selected Entities to map texture direction. mapping_projection_select-ref.gif
Drag the pointer pointer_PW_mapping.gif, set values, or use the slider based on the Mapping type you selected.
PM_PW_Horizontal_location.gif Horizontal location Positions the texture along the horizontal axis. projection_horizontal.gif
PM_PW_Vertical_location.gif Vertical location Positions the texture along the vertical axis.
PM_About_Axis.gif Offset latitude Moves the texture along the red meridians shown in the preview. projection_spherical.gif
decal_about_vert.png Offset longitude Moves the texture along the green meridians shown in the preview.
PM_About_Axis.gif About axis Rotates the texture around the axis of a cylinder. projection_cylindrical.gif
PM_Along_Axis.gif Along axis Moves the texture along the axis of a cylinder.


  Fixed aspect ratio Scales the image uniformly as you change the Width or Height.
  Fit width to selection Stretches the width of the texture to the selection.
  Fit height to selection Stretches the height of the texture to the selection.
PM_PW-texture_width.gif Width Resizes the texture as bounded by the magenta lines.
PM_PW-texture_height.gif Height Resizes the texture as bounded by the blue lines.
PM_PW-texture_rotationangle.gif Rotation (Spherical, Cylindrical, and Projection only). Rotates the texture relative to the axes. Video: Rotation Texture Mapping
decal_axis_dir1.png Axis direction 1 (Spherical only). Rotates the texture relative to the horizontal axis. Video: Rotation Texture Mapping Direction 1
decal_axis_dir2.png Axis direction 2 (Spherical only). Rotates the texture relative to the vertical axis. Video: Rotation Texture Mapping Direction 2
  Mirror horizontally Flips the texture about the selected direction horizontally.
  Mirror vertically Flips the texture about the selected direction vertically.
  Reset Scale Resets scale to model size if Automatically scale textures, surface finishes, and decals to the model size in Options > Document Properties > Model Display is selected. Resets to the default scale if Automatically scale textures, surface finishes, and decals to the model size is cleared.

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