topic shows how to create an add-in using Visual C++ in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
that adds a menu item to the context-sensitive and Tools menus of vaults in Windows Explorer. You must be familiar
with the process of creating a C++ COM DLL in the development environment that
you use.
Create the C++ project.
Start Microsoft Visual Studio
- Select File >
New > Project > Visual C++ > ATL > ATL Project.
Type the name of your
project in Name.
- Click Browse and navigate to the folder where to create your project.
- Click OK.
If you intend on using MFC, select Application
Settings > Support MFC in the ATL Project Wizard dialogMyAdd.
Finish to generate the
Modify the project's settings.
Right-click the project in Solution Explorer, and select
Add > Class.
In the Add Class dialog, select ATL > ATL Simple
Click Add.
Type MyAddIn in Short name.
Click Next and Next.
Custom in the Interface and Both in the Threading
Click Finish.
Select View > Class View and expand your project in the Class View window.
Right-click CMyAddIn and select Add >
Implement Interface.
Select Project and select the most recent SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM type library,
Edm.tlb, from
the Available type libraries list.
NOTE: If the type library is not in the list, you must
copy Edm.tlb from the API folder on the CD to project_path\project_name\project_name.
Then select File, browse to project_path\project_name\project_name,
and select Edm.tlb.
in Interfaces .
Click the single right-arrow button to move IEdmAddIn5 to
Implement Interfaces, and click Finish.
new methods,
IEdmAddIn5::GetAddInInfo and
are added to your class.
Select File > Save All.
IEdmAddIn5::GetAddInInfo by replacing
STDMETHOD(GetAddInInfo)in MyAddin.h with the following code.
* poInfo, IEdmVault5 * poVault, IEdmCmdMgr5 * poCmdMgr)
//The AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro is needed
for MFC applications but should not
//be used for applications that are MFC-free
if (poInfo == NULL || poCmdMgr == NULL )
return E_POINTER;
//Return some information
to the Properties dialog box
poInfo->mbsAddInName= SysAllocString( L"My first
add-in" );
poInfo->mbsCompany = SysAllocString( L"The name of my
company" );
poInfo->mbsDescription= SysAllocString( L"This is a very
nice add-in." );
poInfo->mlAddInVersion = 1;
//SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM 5.2 is
required by this add-in
poInfo->mlRequiredVersionMajor = 5;
poInfo->mlRequiredVersionMinor= 2;
//Add hooks and menu commands to
//Below is a menu command that
appears in the Tools
//and context-sensitive menus of a
vault in Windows Explorer
poCmdMgr->AddCmd( 1, bstr_t("My first menu
command"), EdmMenu_Nothing, bstr_t(""), bstr_t(""),
0, 0 );
return S_OK;
Implement IEdmAddIn5::OnCmd by replacing
STDMETHOD(OnCmd)in MyAddin.h
with the following code.
poCmd, SAFEARRAY * * ppoData)
//The AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro is needed
for MFC applications, but should not
//be used for applications that are MFC-free
if (poCmd == NULL ||ppoData == NULL)
return E_POINTER;
MessageBox((HWND)poCmd->mlParentWnd, L"Hello
World!", L"SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM", MB_OK );
return S_OK;
If you copy the code from this topic and paste it into the IDE, delete any characters or spaces that offend the
compiler. On a 64-bit computer, you must replace L
with bstr_t() for the strings in the MessageBox.
Specify the project configuration properties:
Right-click the project name in Solution Explorer and
select Properties.
Select Configuration Properties > General.
Ensure that the properties are configured as:
Output Directory:
Configuration Type: Dynamic Library (.dll)
Use of MFC: Use MFC in a Shared DLL
Use of ATL: Dynamic Link to ATL
Character Set: Use Unicode Character Set
Select Linker > General.
Ensure Output File is:
Select Linker > Input.
Ensure that Module Definition File is
Select Linker > Embedded IDL.
Ensure the properties are configured as follows:
Select MIDL > General.
Select the environment in the Target Environment
dropdown that
most closely matches your environment.
Select MIDL > Output.
Ensure the properties are configured as follows:
Click OK.
To change the project's type of configuration to
In the Solution Explorer, right-click Solution 'project_name'
and select Configuration Manager.
Click the down-arrow key in the project's Configuration
column and select Release.
Click Close.
Save and compile
the project for either x32 or x64 to create an add-in DLL that is compatible
with your system.
NOTE: See Using .NET Framework in Add-in Applications
if a problem occurs at runtime.
Add the new add-in, project_name.dll, to
the file vault:
- Start up the SOLIDWORKS
Enterprise PDM Administration tool.
- Expand the vault where
you want to install this add-in. Log in, if prompted.
- Right-click Add-ins and select New
- Select:
- x32:
project_path\project_name\Release\project_name.dll, and click
- x64:
project_path\project_name\x64\Release\project_name.dll, and click
The add-in Properties dialog displays the add-in's name,
company, add-in version, required version of SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM,
package, and description.
- Click OK.
Right-click the list of vaults in Windows Explorer to
show the context menu:
The new menu item appears in the context menu.
Select My first menu command on the context-sensitive
A message box is displayed.
your new add-in to
create more advanced menu commands or
add-in hooks that allow you to check files in and out of the vault.