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This topic shows how to create an add-in using Visual C++ in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 that adds a menu item to the context-sensitive and Tools menus of vaults in Windows Explorer. You must be familiar with the process of creating a C++ COM DLL in the development environment that you use.

  1. Create the C++ project.
    1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
    2. Select File > New > Project > Visual C++ > ATL > ATL Project.
    3. Type the name of your project in Name.
    4. Click Browse and navigate to the folder where to create your project.
    5. Click OK.
    6. If you intend on using MFC, select Application Settings > Support MFC in the ATL Project Wizard dialogMyAdd.

    7. Click Finish to generate the project. 

  2. Modify the project's settings.

    1. Right-click the project in Solution Explorer, and select Add > Class.

    2. In the Add Class dialog, select ATL > ATL Simple Object.

    3. Click Add.

    4. Type MyAddIn in Short name.

    5. Click Next and Next.

    6. Select Custom in the Interface and Both in the Threading Model.

    7. Click Finish

    8. Select View > Class View and expand your project in the Class View window.

    9. Right-click CMyAddIn and select Add > Implement Interface

    10. Select Project and select the most recent SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM type library, Edm.tlb, from the Available type libraries list. 

      NOTE: If the type library is not in the list, you must copy Edm.tlb from the API folder on the CD to  project_path\project_name\project_name. Then select File, browse to project_path\project_name\project_name, and select Edm.tlb.

    11. Select IEdmAddIn5 in Interfaces .

    12. Click the single right-arrow button to move IEdmAddIn5 to Implement Interfaces, and click Finish

      Two new methods, IEdmAddIn5::GetAddInInfo and IEdmAddIn5::OnCmd, are added to your class.

    13. Select File > Save All.

  3. Implement IEdmAddIn5::GetAddInInfo by replacing STDMETHOD(GetAddInInfo)in MyAddin.h with the following code.

    STDMETHOD(GetAddInInfo)(EdmAddInInfo * poInfo, IEdmVault5 * poVault, IEdmCmdMgr5 * poCmdMgr)
    //The AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro is needed for MFC applications but should not
    //be used for applications that are MFC-free


       if (poInfo == NULL || poCmdMgr == NULL )
         return E_POINTER;

       //Return some information to the Properties dialog box
       poInfo->mbsAddInName= SysAllocString( L"My first add-in" );
       poInfo->mbsCompany = SysAllocString( L"The name of my company" );
       poInfo->mbsDescription= SysAllocString( L"This is a very nice add-in." );
       poInfo->mlAddInVersion = 1;

       //SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM 5.2 is required by this add-in
       poInfo->mlRequiredVersionMajor = 5;
       poInfo->mlRequiredVersionMinor= 2;

       //Add hooks and menu commands to SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM
       //Below is a menu command that appears in the Tools
       //and context-sensitive menus of a vault in Windows Explorer

       poCmdMgr->AddCmd( 1, bstr_t("My first menu command"), EdmMenu_Nothing, bstr_t(""), bstr_t(""), 0, 0 );

       return S_OK;

  4. Implement IEdmAddIn5::OnCmd by replacing STDMETHOD(OnCmd)in MyAddin.h with the following code.

    STDMETHOD(OnCmd)(EdmCmd * poCmd, SAFEARRAY * * ppoData)
    //The AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro is needed for MFC applications, but should not
    //be used for applications that are MFC-free


       if (poCmd == NULL ||ppoData == NULL)
         return E_POINTER;

       MessageBox((HWND)poCmd->mlParentWnd, L"Hello World!", L"SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM", MB_OK );

       return S_OK;

    NOTE: If you copy the code from this topic and paste it into the IDE, delete any characters or spaces that offend the compiler. On a 64-bit computer, you must replace L with bstr_t() for the strings in the MessageBox.

  5. Specify the project configuration properties:

    1. Right-click the project name in Solution Explorer and select Properties.

    2. Select Configuration Properties > General.

      Ensure that the properties are configured as:

      • Output Directory: $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\

      • Configuration Type: Dynamic Library (.dll)

      • Use of MFC: Use MFC in a Shared DLL

      • Use of ATL: Dynamic Link to ATL

      • Character Set: Use Unicode Character Set

    3. Select Linker > General.

      Ensure Output File is:

      •  $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)

    4. Select Linker > Input.

      Ensure that Module Definition File is .\project_name.def.

    5. Select Linker > Embedded IDL.

      Ensure the properties are configured as follows:

      • Type Library: $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\$(ProjectName).tlb

      • TypeLib Resource ID should be empty. Delete any characters appearing in this row.

    6. Select MIDL > General.

      Select the environment in the Target Environment dropdown that most closely matches your environment.

    7. Select MIDL > Output.

      Ensure the properties are configured as follows:

      • Output Directory: $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\

      • Type Library: $(IntDir)project_name.tlb

  6. Click OK.

  7. To change the project's type of configuration to Release:

    1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click Solution 'project_name' and select Configuration Manager.

    2. Click the down-arrow key in the project's Configuration column and select Release.

    3. Click Close.

  8. Save and compile the project for either x32 or x64 to create an add-in DLL that is compatible with your system.

    NOTE: See Using .NET Framework in Add-in Applications if a problem occurs at runtime.

  9. Add the new add-in, project_name.dll, to the file vault:

    1. Start up the SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM Administration tool.
    2. Expand the vault where you want to install this add-in. Log in, if prompted.
    3. Right-click Add-ins and select New Add-in.
    4. Select:
      • x32: project_path\project_name\Release\project_name.dll, and click Open.
      • x64: project_path\project_name\x64\Release\project_name.dll, and click Open.

        The add-in Properties dialog displays the add-in's name, company, add-in version, required version of SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM, package, and description.
    5. Click OK.


  10. Right-click the list of vaults in Windows Explorer to show the context menu:

    The new menu item appears in the context menu.

  11. Select My first menu command on the context-sensitive menu.

  12. A message box is displayed.

Use your new add-in to create more advanced menu commands or add-in hooks that allow you to check files in and out of the vault.


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