Creating Add-in Hooks (VB.NET)
topic shows how to implement
and IEdmAddIn5::OnCmd
in your add-in to have SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM notify your add-in
whenever a file is added, checked out, or checked in.
Because SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM cannot force a reload of
add-ins if they are written in .NET, all client machines must be restarted to ensure that the latest version of the add-in is used.
- Call
from your add-in's GetAddInInfo
for each activity you want your add-in to know about. Implement IEdmAddIn5::GetAddInInfo
in your add-in as follows:
Public Sub
GetAddInInfo(ByRef poInfo As EdmLib.EdmAddInInfo, ByVal poVault As EdmLib.IEdmVault5,
ByVal poCmdMgr As EdmLib.IEdmCmdMgr5) Implements EdmLib.IEdmAddIn5.GetAddInInfo
add-in information
poInfo.mbsAddInName = "My first add-in"
poInfo.mbsCompany = "The name of my company"
poInfo.mbsDescription = "This is a very nice add-in."
poInfo.mlAddInVersion = 1
minimum version of SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM
poInfo.mlRequiredVersionMajor = 5
poInfo.mlRequiredVersionMinor = 2
'Notify when a file has been added
'Notify when a file has been checked out
'Notify when a file is about to be checked in
'Notify when a file has been checked in
End Sub
IEdmAddIn5::OnCmd in
your add-in as follows:
Public Sub OnCmd(ByRef
poCmd As EdmLib.EdmCmd, ByRef ppoData As System.Array) Implements EdmLib.IEdmAddIn5.OnCmd
'Check the type of hook that
triggered this call
Dim name As String
Select Case poCmd.meCmdType
Case EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_PostAdd
name = "PostAdd"
Case EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_PostLock
name = "PostLock"
Case EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_PreUnlock
name = "PreUnlock"
Case EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_PostUnlock
name = "PostUnlock"
Case Else
name = "?"
End Select
'Check the upper and lower bounds
of the array
Dim message As String
message = ""
Dim index As Long
index = LBound(ppoData)
Dim last As Long
last = UBound(ppoData)
'Append the paths of all files to a string
While index <= last
message = message + ppoData(index).mbsStrData1 + vbLf
index = index + 1
End While
'Display a message to the user
message = "The following files were affected by a " + name + "
hook:" + vbLf + message
Dim vault As EdmVault5
vault = poCmd.mpoVault
vault.MsgBox(poCmd.mlParentWnd, message)
End Sub
is called for each of the
hooks registered in GetAddInInfo. You can tell which hook triggered the call to
OnCmd by
inspecting the meCmdType
member of the EdmCmd structure
that is passed as poCmd in OnCmd. meCmdType contains an EdmCmdType constant
that indicates the triggering hook.
The second argument to OnCmd
is an array of EdmCmdData structures. There is
one element in the array for each file that is affected by the call. The
contents of the structure members vary depending on the type of hook that
is executed. See EdmCmdData for a complete list
of members and their descriptions.
Click Build > Build
Solution to build the add-in.
- Install
the add-in through the SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM
Administration tool:
Enterprise PDM Administration tool.
- Expand the vault where
you want to install this add-in and log in as Admin.
- Right-click Add-ins and click New
- Browse to
click project_name.dll and Interop.EdmLib.dll.
- Click Open.
- Click OK.
- Click OK.
Try adding, checking out, and checking in
vault files.
OnCmd is not called during check-in if the
file is not modified before it is checked in. During check-in of unmodified
files, SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM triggers an "undo check-out" event. To handle
this "undo check-out" event, add hooks for EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_PreUndoLock and
to your add-in's GetAddInInfo.