SOLIDWORKS API Getting Started Overview
The SOLIDWORKS API SDK contains all of the functionality needed to develop
SOLIDWORKS API applications.
To install the SOLIDWORKS API SDK:
- Copy the SOLIDWORKS API SDK installer from the apisdk folder on
the installation media to a location on your system. Run the installer.
- or -
- Download the SOLIDWORKS API SDK:
Log in to the SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal.
Click Downloads
and Updates in Download.
Click the SOLIDWORKS tab and click the version
of SOLIDWORKS whose SOLIDWORKS API SDK you want to download.
Click the English
button and click Accept Agreement &
Continue, which is located at the bottom of the page.
Click the download, unzip, and install all
the files link located at the bottom of the
and Install page.
Select a version in the Upgrading
from Service Pack list, select the product in the
Product list, and click Continue.
API SDK in the Step 5 - Optional
updates table.
Follow the online instructions to complete the
Prior to developing SOLIDWORKS API applications, you should be familiar
with using the SOLIDWORKS software interactively and programming in the
languages that you intend to use. If you are not, then you should: