| Name | Description |
| AddAngularRunningDim | Adds the specified angular running dimension for selected entities. |
| AddComment | Adds a comment to this document's Comment Folder. |
| AddDecal | Adds a decal to the model. |
| AddDefaultRenderMaterial | Not supported in SOLIDWORKS 2011 and later and not superseded. |
| AddDimension | Creates a display dimension at the specified location for selected entities. |
| AddDisplayStateSpecificRenderMaterial | Adds the specified appearance to the specified display states in the active configuration and returns the IDs assigned to that appearance. |
| AddOrdinateDimension | Inserts an ordinate dimension. |
| AddOrUpdateSearchData | Adds or updates the SOLIDWORKS Search, third-party, application keyword and value to the model document. |
| AddPathLengthDim | Inserts a path length dimension at the specified coordinates for a selected path. |
| AddRenderMaterial | Not supported in SOLIDWORKS 2011 and later. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::AddDisplayStateSpecificRenderMaterial and IModelDocExtension::IAddDisplayStateSpecificRenderMaterial. |
| AddSymmetricDimension | Creates a full symmetrical angular dimension at the specified location for the selected entities. |
| AlignDimensions | Aligns the selected dimensions in drawing documents. |
| AlignRunningDimension | Aligns the extension lines of all angular dimensions to be the same distance from the center as the baseline dimension (0⁰) in the set of angular running dimensions. |
| ApplyFormatPainterToAll | Applies Format Painter to all dimensions and annotations in the active document. |
| ApplyTexture | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SetTexture. |
| BreakAllExternalFileReferences2 | Breaks all external references and allows you to insert the features of the original part, or parts, if the external references are broken. |
| Capture3DView | Captures the 3D View of this part or assembly. |
| ChangeSketchPlane | Changes the plane used by a sketch by moving the selected sketch to the selected plane in the specified configurations. |
| CopyDraftingStandard | Copy the current custom drafting standard. |
| Create3DBoundingBox | Creates a 3D bounding box for a cut list item in a weldment part. |
| CreateBalloonOptions | Creates an object that stores BOM balloon options. |
| CreateCallout | Creates a callout independent of a selection. |
| CreateDecal | Creates a decal for this model. |
| CreateMassProperty | Creates a IMassProperty object. |
| CreateMeasure | Creates a measure tool. |
| CreateOLEObject | Creates an OLE object on the active document. |
| CreateRenderMaterial | Creates an appearance for this model. |
| CreateStackedBalloonOptions | Creates an object that stores options for stacked balloons. |
| CreateTexture | Creates a texture. |
| DeleteAllDecals | Deletes all decals on this model. |
| DeleteAttachment | Deletes the specified file in the Attachments folder in the FeatureManager design tree. |
| DeleteDecal | Removes the specified decal from this model. |
| DeleteDisplayStateSpecificRenderMaterial | Deletes the specified appearances, using the IDs of the appearances, from the active configuration. |
| DeleteDraftingStandard | Delete the current custom drafting standard. |
| DeleteFeatureMgrViewx64 | Removes the specified tab in the FeatureManager design tree in 64-bit applications. |
| DeleteRenderMaterial | Not supported in SOLIDWORKS 2011 and later. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::DeleteDisplayStateSpecificRenderMaterial and IModelDocExtension::IDeleteDisplayStateSpecificRenderMaterial. |
| DeleteScene | Deletes the scene applied to this model. |
| DeleteSearchData | Deletes the specified SOLIDWORKS Search third-party keywords from the model document. |
| DeleteSelection2 | Deletes the selected items, with the option to delete absorbed features, child features, or both. |
| EditBalloonProperties | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::EditBalloonProperties2. |
| EditBalloonProperties2 | Edits the selected balloon's properties. |
| EditDimensionProperties | Edits the currently selected dimension's properties. |
| FindTrackedObjects | Finds the tracking IDs assigned to entities in this document. |
| FinishRecordingUndoObject | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::FinishRecordingUndoObject2. |
| FinishRecordingUndoObject2 | Ends recording of a SOLIDWORKS Undo object with the specified name and visibility. |
| Get3DView | Gets the 3D View with the specified name for this part or assembly. |
| Get3DViewCount | Gets the number of 3D Views in this part or assembly. |
| Get3DViewNames | Gets names of the 3D Views in this part or assembly. |
| Get3DViews | Gets the 3D Views for this part or assembly. |
| GetActivePropertyManagerPage | Gets the name of the active PropertyManager page. |
| GetAdvancedSpotLightProperties | Gets the attenuation-related, advanced properties for the specified SOLIDWORKS spot light in this model. |
| GetAnnotationCount | Gets the number of annotations on this model. |
| GetAnnotations | Gets the annotations on this model. |
| GetAppearanceSetting | Gets the appearance setting for this document. |
| GetAttachmentCount | Gets the number of attachments for this document. |
| GetAttachments | Gets the attachments for this document. |
| GetCameraById | Gets a camera using the specified camera ID. |
| GetCameraCount | Gets the number of cameras in the document. |
| GetCameraDefinition | Gets a camera, but does not add the newly created camera to the model. |
| GetCommandTabs | Gets all of the SOLIDWORKS CommandManager tab names in this document. |
| GetCoordinateSystemTransformByName | Gets the transform of the specified coordinate system. |
| GetCorresponding | Gets the object that corresponds to the Dispatch object in the context of the part, assembly, or subassembly document. |
| GetCorrespondingEntity | Gets the entity that corresponds with the Dispatch pointer in the context of a part, assembly, or subassembly. |
| GetCostingManager | Gets the entry-point interface to the SOLIDWORKS Costing API and gets the CostingManager. |
| GetDecal | Gets the specified decal in this model. |
| GetDecals | Gets the decals applied to the model. |
| GetDecalsCount | Gets the number of decals applied to this model. |
| GetDisplayStateSetting | Gets the display state setting for the specified scope. |
| GetDraftingStandardNames | Get the names of all currently available drafting standards. |
| GetFlattenSheetMetalPersistReference | Gets a byte array of persistent reference IDs for the specified entity (a face, edge, or vertex) in a flattened sheet metal part. |
| GetKeepLightInRenderScene | Gets whether a light is kept when the scene changes. |
| GetLastFeatureAdded | Gets the last feature added to the model. |
| GetLicenseType | Gets the type of SOLIDWORKS license used when the model was created. |
| GetLightEnabledInRender | Gets whether a light is on in this model. |
| GetMassProperties | Gets the actual mass properties of the model at the specified accuracy, that is, of all of the existing bodies regardless of whether they are hidden or shown. |
| GetMaterial | Gets the appearance for the specified appearance ID in the specified configuration in this model document |
| GetMaterialPropertyValues | Gets the material properties for this model document. |
| GetModelBreakViewNames | Gets the names and number of the Model Break Views in the current configuration of the active model. |
| GetModelViewCount | Gets the number of model views in this document. |
| GetModelViews | Gets the model views in this document. |
| GetMotionStudyManager | Gets the SOLIDWORKS motion study's MotionManager. |
| GetNamedViewRotation | Gets the specified named view orientation matrix with respect to the Front view. |
| GetObjectByPersistReference | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetObjectByPersistReference3. |
| GetObjectByPersistReference2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetObjectByPersistReference3. |
| GetObjectByPersistReference3 | Gets the object assigned to the specified persistent reference ID. |
| GetObjectId | Gets the object ID for the specified annotation. |
| GetOLEObjectCount | Gets the number of OLE objects. |
| GetOLEObjects | Get the OLE objects. |
| GetPackAndGo | Gets a Pack and Go object. |
| GetPersistReference | Obsolete. Superseded IModelDocExtension::GetPersistReference3. |
| GetPersistReference3 | Gets the persistent reference ID for the specified object in this model document. |
| GetPersistReferenceCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetPersistReferenceCount3. |
| GetPersistReferenceCount3 | Gets the size of the persistent reference ID assigned to the selected object in this model document. |
| GetPrint3DDialog | Gets the IPrint3DDialog object. |
| GetPrintSpecification | Gets the IPrintSpecification object for this document. |
| GetRenderCustomReferences | Get the custom render references for this model. |
| GetRenderMaterials | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetRenderMaterials2. |
| GetRenderMaterials2 | Gets the appearances applied to this model document in the specified display states. |
| GetRenderMaterialsCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetRenderMaterialsCount2. |
| GetRenderMaterialsCount2 | Gets the number of appearances applied to this model document in the specified display states. |
| GetRenderStockReferences | Gets the SOLIDWORKS-supplied (stock) render references for this model. |
| GetRoutingComponentManager | Gets the routing component manager. |
| GetScanto3D | Gets the IScanTo3D object for this document. |
| GetSceneBkgDIBx64 | Gets the background image as DIBSECTION in 64-bit applications. |
| GetSearchData | Gets the SOLIDWORKS Search, third-party, application keywords from the model document. |
| GetSearchDataCount | Gets the number of SOLIDWORKS Search keywords for the specified third-party application previously added to this model document. |
| GetSectionProperties | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetSectionProperties2. |
| GetSectionProperties2 | Gets the section properties for the following types of selected items:
| GetSheetMetalObjectsByPersistReference | Gets the objects in a folded sheet metal part that correspond to the byte array of persistent reference IDs of an entity in a flattened sheet metal part. |
| GetStream | Gets the handle for the specified stream. |
| GetSunLightAdvancedPropertyValues | Gets the specified sunlight advanced properties. |
| GetSunLightSourcePropertyValues | Gets the property values for a sunlight source. |
| GetSustainability | Gets the entry-point interface to the SOLIDWORKS Sustainability API. |
| GetTemplateSheetMetal | Gets the sheet metal folder feature from this sheet metal model created in SOLIDWORKS 2013 or later. |
| GetTexture | Gets the texture applied to the specified configuration. |
| GetUserPreferenceDouble | Gets document default user preference values. This method is intended for user preferences of type double. |
| GetUserPreferenceDoubleValueRange | Gets the current document default user preference value, and the minimum and maximum valid document user preference values. |
| GetUserPreferenceInteger | Sets document default user preference values. This method is intended for user preferences of type integer. |
| GetUserPreferenceString | Gets document default user preference values. This method is intended for user preferences of type string. |
| GetUserPreferenceTextFormat | Gets document default user preference values. This method is intended for getting detailing text formats. |
| GetUserPreferenceToggle | Gets document default user preference values. This method is intended for user preferences that can be toggled. |
| GetVisibleBox | Gets the visible bounding box set by IModelDocExtension::SetVisibleBox for a part or an assembly. |
| GetWhatsWrong | Gets the What's Wrong dialog information for this model document. |
| GetWhatsWrongCount | Gets the number of items in the What's Wrong dialog. |
| HasDesignTable | Gets whether a document has a design table. |
| HasMaterialPropertyValues | Gets whether this model has an appearance. |
| HideDecal | Hides or shows the specified decal applied to this model. |
| HideFeatureManager | Hides or shows the FeatureManager. |
| IAddDisplayStateSpecificRenderMaterial | Adds the specified material to the specified display states in the active configuration and returns the IDs assigned to that material. |
| IChangeSketchPlane | Changes the plane used by a sketch by moving the selected sketch to the selected plane in the specified configurations. |
| ICreateOLEObject | Creates an OLE object on the active document. |
| IDeleteDisplayStateSpecificRenderMaterial | Deletes the specified materials, using the IDs of the materials, from the active configuration. |
| IEditDimensionProperties | Edits the currently selected dimension's properties. |
| IGet3rdPartyStorageStore | Gets the third-party IStorage interface in this model document. |
| IGetAnnotations | Gets the annotations on this model. |
| IGetAnnotationViews | Gets the annotation views in this part or assembly document. |
| IGetAttachments | Gets the attachments for this document. |
| IGetDecals | Gets the decals applied to the model. |
| IGetFlattenSheetMetalPersistReference | Gets a byte array of persistent reference IDs for the specified entity (a face, edge, or vertex) in a flattened sheet metal part. |
| IGetMassProperties | Gets the actual mass property of the model at the specified accuracy; that is, of all of the existing bodies regardless of whether they are hidden or shown. |
| IGetMaterialPropertyValues | Gets the material properties for this model. |
| IGetModelViews | Gets the model views in this document. |
| IGetNamedViewRotation | Gets the specified named view orientation matrix with respect to the Front view. |
| IGetObjectByPersistReference | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::IGetObjectByPersistReference3. |
| IGetObjectByPersistReference2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::IGetObjectByPersistReference3. |
| IGetObjectByPersistReference3 | Gets the object assigned to the specified persistent reference ID. |
| IGetOLEObjects | Get the OLE objects. |
| IGetPersistReference | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::IGetPersistReference3. |
| IGetPersistReference3 | Gets the persistent reference ID for the specified object in this model document. |
| IGetRenderMaterials | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetRenderMaterials2. |
| IGetSearchData | Gets the SOLIDWORKS Search, third-party, application keywords from the model document. |
| IGetSectionProperties | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::IGetSectionProperties2. |
| IGetSectionProperties2 | Gets the section properties for the following types of selected items:
| IGetSheetMetalObjectsByPersistReference | Gets the object, or objects, in a folded sheet metal part that correspond to the byte array of persistent reference IDs of an entity in a flattened sheet metal part. |
| IListExternalFileReferences | Gets the names and statuses of the external file references on the part. |
| IMultiSelect | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::MultiSelect2. |
| InsertAnnotationFavorite | Inserts annotations from the specified favorite file at the specified location. |
| InsertAnnotationView | Inserts an annotation view in this part or assembly document. |
| InsertAttachment | Inserts a file as an Attachment to this document. |
| InsertBOMBalloon | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::InsertBomBalloon2. |
| InsertBOMBalloon2 | Inserts a BOM balloon for the selected item. |
| InsertBomTable | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::InsertBomTable2. |
| InsertBomTable2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::InsertBomTable3. |
| InsertBomTable3 | Inserts a bill of materials (BOM) table in a part or assembly document. |
| InsertCamera | Inserts a camera in this document. |
| InsertDatumTargetSymbol2 | Creates a datum target symbol. |
| InsertDeleteFace | Inserts a DeleteFace feature. |
| InsertGeneralTableAnnotation | Inserts the specified table annotation at the specified coordinates in this model document. |
| InsertObjectFromFile | Inserts an OLE object from a file. |
| InsertScene | Applies the specified scene to the model. |
| InsertStackedBalloon | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::InsertStackedBalloon2. |
| InsertStackedBalloon2 | Inserts a stack of balloons for selected items. |
| InsertSurfaceFinishSymbol3 | Creates a surface-finish symbol based on the last selection. |
| InsertTitleBlockTable | Inserts a title block table in a part or assembly document. |
| InstallModelColorizer | Installs your implemented interface of the ISwColorContour interface. |
| IPrintOut2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::IPrintOut3. |
| IPrintOut3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::PrintOut4. |
| IRelease3rdPartyStorageStore | Releases the third-party IStorage interface from this model document. |
| IRemoveMaterialProperty | Removes material property values from this model. |
| IsAbbreviatedViewActive | Gets or sets whether the abbreviated view is active. |
| IsConverted | Gets whether the active document was converted to the current release uponing opening but has not yet been saved. |
| ISetMaterialPropertyValues | Sets the material property values for this model document. |
| IsFutureVersion | Gets whether this document is for a future version of SOLIDWORKS. |
| IsSamePersistentID | Gets whether the two specified objects have the same persistent reference IDs. |
| IsVirtualComponent | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::IsVirtualComponent2. |
| IsVirtualComponent2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::IsVirtualComponent3. |
| IsVirtualComponent3 | Gets the paths to parent assembly components, up to and including the first non-virtual parent, if the model is a virtual component. |
| JogDimension | Gets or sets whether jog points are on or off on an interactively selected linear or ordinate dimension. |
| ListExternalFileReferences | Gets the names and statuses of the external references on the part. |
| ListExternalFileReferencesCount | Gets the number of external references on the part. |
| LoadDraftingStandard | Loads a custom drafting standard from a file. |
| MoveDecal | Moves the decal up or down in the list of decals applied to the model. |
| MoveOrCopy | Moves and optionally copies the selected sketch entities or annotations. |
| MultiSelect | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::MultiSelect2. |
| MultiSelect2 | Selects multiple objects and returns the total number of objects selected in the entire model. |
| PrintOut | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::PrintOut2. |
| PrintOut2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::PrintOut3. |
| PrintOut3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::PrintOut4. |
| PrintOut4 | Prints this document without displaying any dialogs or message boxes. |
| PurgeDisplayState | Purges identical display states so that only unique display states remain. |
| Rebuild | Rebuilds the model in assembly and drawing documents and returns the status of the rebuild. |
| Refresh3DViews | Updates the 3D Views of this part or assembly. |
| ReJogRunningDimension | Applies jogs where extension lines overlap dimension text in an angular running dimension. |
| ReleaseStream | Releases a previously obtained stream. |
| RemoveMaterialProperty | Removes material property values from this model. |
| RemoveModelColorizer | Removes your installed implemented interface of the ISwColorContour interface. |
| RemoveTexture | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::RemoveTexture2. |
| RemoveTexture2 | Removes the texture from the specified configuration. |
| RemoveTextureByDisplayState | Removes the texture applied to this model in the specified display state. |
| RemoveVisibleBox | Removes the visible bounding box set by IModelDocExtension::SetVisibleBox and resets the size of the bounding box to the size calculated by SOLIDWORKS for a part or an assembly. |
| RenameDraftingStandard | Rename the current custom drafting to the specifed name. |
| ReorderFeature | Moves the specified feature to another location in the FeatureManager design tree of this part or assembly. |
| ResetStandardViews | Returns all standard model views to their default settings. |
| ReverseDecalsOrder | Reverses the order of the decals on the model. |
| RotateOrCopy | Rotates and optionally copies the selected sketch entities or annotations. |
| RunCommand | Runs the specified SOLIDWORKS command. |
| SaveAs | Saves the document to a different name. |
| SaveDeFeaturedFile | Removes all CAD data except the outer surface from a loaded part or assembly document and saves the outer surface as a part. |
| SaveDraftingStandard | Saves the current custom drafting standard to a file. |
| SavePackAndGo | Saves the files designated for Pack and Go to either a folder or Zip file. |
| ScaleOrCopy | Scales and optionally copies the selected sketch items or annotations. |
| SelectAll | Selects all edges in a part, all components in an assembly, or all entities (by default, sketch entities, dimensions, and annotations) in a drawing. |
| SelectByID | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::SelectByID2. |
| SelectByID2 | Selects the specified entity. |
| SetAdvancedSpotLightProperties | Sets the attenuation-related, advanced properties for the specified SOLIDWORKS spot light in this model. |
| SetApiUndoObject | Implements an undo object for an add-in application. |
| SetKeepLightInRenderScene | Sets whether to keep a light when the scene changes. |
| SetLightEnabledInRender | Sets whether a light is on in this model. |
| SetMaterialPropertyValues | Sets the material property values for this model document. |
| SetSceneBkgDIBx64 | Sets the background image in 64-bit applications. |
| SetSunLightAdvancedPropertyValues | Sets the specified sunlight advanced properties. |
| SetSunLightSourcePropertyValues | Sets the property values for a sunlight source. |
| SetTexture | Applies texture to the specified configuration. |
| SetTextureByDisplayState | Sets the texture applied to this model in the specified display state. |
| SetUserPreferenceDouble | Sets document default user preference values. This method is intended for user preferences of type double. |
| SetUserPreferenceInteger | Sets document default user preference values. This method is intended for user preferences of type integer. |
| SetUserPreferenceString | Sets document default user preference values. This method is intended for user preferences of type string. |
| SetUserPreferenceTextFormat | Sets document default user preference values. This method is intended for setting detailing text formats. |
| SetUserPreferenceToggle | Sets document default user preference values. This method is intended for user preferences that can be toggled. |
| SetVisibleBox | Sets the visible bounding box for Zoom to Fit for a part or an assembly. |
| ShowModelBreakView | Gets whether to show or hide the specified Model Break View in the current configuration of the active model. |
| ShowSmartMessage | Displays a SOLIDWORKS-style message as a ToolTip in the graphics area and on the status bar. |
| SketchBoxSelect | Box selects all of the entities in a sketch within the specified coordinates of the selection box. |
| StartFormatPainter | Starts the Format Painter. |
| StartRecordingUndoObject | Starts recording the SOLIDWORKS Undo object. |
| StopFormatPainter | Stops the Format Painter. |
| Stretch | Stretch the selected entities. |
| UpdateExternalFileReferences | Updates the external files references on this model. |
| UpdateFrozenFeatures | Updates frozen features of the model. |
| UpdateRenderMaterialsInSceneGraph | Sets whether to update the appearances in the graphics area in the model. |
| UpdateStandardViews | Changes the specified standard view to the current model view. |
| UpdateSunLight | Updates sunlight position, color, and background image. |