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SolidWorks.Interop.swpublished Namespace

SOLIDWORKS custom interfaces API


IPropertyManagerPage2Handler Obsolete. Superseded by IPropertyManagerPage2Handler5.
IPropertyManagerPage2Handler2 Obsolete. Superseded by IPropertyManagerPage2Handler5.
IPropertyManagerPage2Handler3 Obsolete. Superseded by IPropertyManagerPage2Handler5.
IPropertyManagerPage2Handler4 Obsolete. Superseded by IPropertyManagerPage2Handler5.
IPropertyManagerPage2Handler5 Obsolete. Superseded by IPropertyManagerPage2Handler6.
IPropertyManagerPage2Handler6 Obsolete. Superseded by IPropertyManagerPage2Handler7.
IPropertyManagerPage2Handler7 Obsolete. Superseded by IPropertyManagerPage2Handler8.
IPropertyManagerPage2Handler8 Obsolete. Superseded by IPropertyManagerPage2Handler9.
IPropertyManagerPage2Handler9 Must be implemented by the add-in application to handle callbacks from IPropertyManagerPage2.
ISwAddin Allows applications to create SOLIDWORKS add-ins.
ISwAddinAdvancedOptionBroker Allows add-ins to add or remove dismissed messages on Tools > Options > System Options > Advanced.
ISwAddinBroker Gets information about an add-in's entities so that SOLIDWORKS can interact with those entities.
ISwCalloutHandler Must be implemented by an add-in application to create callouts.
ISwColorContour Obsolete. Superseded by ISwColorContour1.
ISwColorContour1 Allows access to the color and display values of curvature in a SOLIDWORKS model.
ISwComFeature Allows applications to create macro features using COM.
ISwManipulatorHandler Obsolete. Superseded by ISwManipulatorHandler2.
ISwManipulatorHandler2 Must be implemented by an add-in application to interact with a manipulator.
ISwQuickTip Must be implemented by an add-in application to create Quick Tips for that add-in.
ISwUndoAPIHandler Undo an add-in application's previously processed commands.

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