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Increment Revision Dialog Box

You can assign a revision number to an item or file manually using the Increment Revision dialog box.

To display the Increment Revision Dialog Box, do one of the following:

  • Select an item or file and click Increment Revision (toolbar).
  • Right-click an item or file and select Increment Revision.
The item or file must be in the Approved state (if using the default workflow) and checked in.

Toolbar Buttons

Some commands accessed from toolbar buttons are also available on the shortcut menu.

EPDM_next_warning EPDM_previous_warning Next Warning / Previous Warning Only shown when warnings are present in the Warnings column.

In the list, changes the focus to the next file or item with a warning or the previous file or item with a warning.

Clicking a warning icon expands the hierarchy if it is collapsed and the warning is on a referenced file.

Contains_show_one_or_all_levels Levels Displays file references for the entire file or item hierarchy (Show All Levels) or just the top level of the file or item hierarchy (Top Level Only).

The setting defaults to the most recent setting you used.

You can also expand or collapse the hierarchy using the EPDM_expanded_arrow and EPDM_collapsed_arrow controls in the File name column.

SLW_select_files.gif Select Files Opens the Select Files dialog box, where you can specify a wildcard pattern to select items.
SLW_open_file_list.gif Open File List Open All opens a list of files in Microsoft Excel.
Open Visible opens a list of visible files in Microsoft Excel.
SLW_save_files.gif Save File List Export All exports the list of all files as a comma-separated .txt file.
Export Visible exports the list of visible files as a comma-separated .txt file.

Item List

To change the columns that are displayed, right-click any column heading and select columns to display them or clear columns to hide them.

You can sort the default and custom columns in tables in ascending, descending, or default order by clicking column headers. Column sorting is useful within large datasets. If you sort a column in ascending or descending order, the column is highlighted in green and an arrowhead appears. When you sort a column in a table, SOLIDWORKS PDM removes the file structure hierarchy. Sorting turns off Show Tree Lines and Show Reference Selection Control.

File name

Displays item ID or file name.

Expected operation result:
info Additional status information.
EPDM_warningTriangle warning Warning conditions exist. Your administrator can configure which warnings block operations.
error Operation is blocked.
To quickly locate files or items with warnings, use the Next Warning EPDM_next_warning and Previous Warning EPDM_previous_warning toolbar buttons or Ctrl + the up-arrow or down-arrow on the numeric keypad.
Inc. Rev.

Select to increment the revision number.


Latest version number of the item or file in the vault.

Checked out by

Shows users who have items or files checked out. To increment the revision number, the item or file must be checked in.

If you hover over a user name, a pop-up window displays user information such as log in status, number of files checked out, and a link to email the user.

Found in

Vault folder containing the item or file.


Current revision number.

Next revision

New revision number created by this operation.


Workflow state of the item or file, such as Under Editing or Waiting for approval.

Shortcut Menu Options

Right-click in the file list to access these menu options:

Columns Lets you add or remove columns.
Select All Selects all files or items, so that you can use a single keystroke to check or clear the Inc. Rev. column.
Select Files Displays a dialog box where you can specify wildcards to select a group of files. You can then use a single keystroke to check or clear the files in the Inc. Rev. column.
Show Tree Lines Adds tree lines to the File name column.
Change Thumbnail Preview Size Changes the size of thumbnail previews as Small, Medium, or Large. By default, Medium is selected.
When you select the size in one table, SOLIDWORKS PDM sets the same size in applicable tables and on tabs. The thumbnail previews for non-SOLIDWORKS files may not be clear when you select Medium or Large.
Increase Revision on All Files Selects all files or items in the Inc. Rev. column.

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