Mates in Multibody Parts In multibody parts, you can precisely place bodies using mates. The following mates are supported: Angle Parallel Coincident Perpendicular Concentric Tangent Distance When you insert a part into an existing part file, mate references in the inserted part are used automatically to place the inserted part. A preview shows the application of the mate reference as you insert the part. If the Locate part with Move/Copy feature option in the Insert Part PropertyManager is enabled, the Locate Part PropertyManager opens with the automatic mate constraint already added. You can also apply mates: While inserting a body into a part, by selecting Locate part with Move/Copy feature in the Insert Part PropertyManager. After the body is already in the part, using Move/Copy Bodies (Features toolbar). Additional capabilities:Apply multiple sets of mates to the same body. Mates specified within different sets can conflict with each other. For example, you can apply a perpendicular mate between two faces in one set, and in a different set, apply a parallel mate between the same two faces. Select several bodies at once to be positioned by mates. The selected bodies move as a single entity. The bodies that are not selected are treated as fixed. Parent topicMultibody Parts Related concepts Multibody Overview Organizing Solid Bodies Hiding and Showing Bodies Multibody Parts Versus Assemblies Materials and Multibody Parts Modeling Techniques Exploded Views in Multibody Parts Related reference Feature Scope in Multibody Parts