Selecting Components In addition to the default selection method (clicking an entity in the graphics area or FeatureManager design tree), many other tools are available for selecting components in assemblies. Contents Select Flyout Button in Assemblies You can access many component selection tools on the Select flyout toolbar button. Volume Select In an assembly, you can select components based on a temporary volume that you define. Selecting Hidden Components in the Graphics Area You can temporarily toggle the display of hidden components, to enable you to graphically select hidden components that you want to show. Selecting Mated To Components You can select a component and show all components that are mated to this component. Selecting Identical Components You can select all components that are identical to the selected component. Selecting by Size of Components You can select all components that are smaller than a specified percentage of the size of the assembly's bounding box. Selecting by View You can select all the assembly components that are visible from a standard or current view. Selecting Subassemblies in the Graphics Area You can select a subassembly in the graphics area by right-clicking one of its components and choosing Select Subassembly. Filtering the FeatureManager Design Tree in Assemblies You can use Filter at the top of the FeatureManager design tree to filter items displayed in the tree. Isolate The Isolate command sets all components except the selected ones to be hidden, transparent, or wireframe, enabling you to focus on the selected components. Advanced Component Selection In an assembly, you can select components based on searches for certain component characteristics. Parent topicBasic Component Operations Related concepts Positioning Components in an Assembly Component Patterns and Mirroring Component Properties Selection Selection Through Transparency Related tasks Creating an Assembly from a Part Adding Components to an Assembly Editing Assembly Components Deleting Components from an Assembly Moving and Rotating Components Renaming Components Invert Selection Selecting from the FeatureManager Design Tree Zoom to Selection