The following tables list the members exposed by ICWContactSet.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | AxialStiffnessValue | Gets or sets the wall axial stiffness value for this flexible virtual wall contact set. |
 | ClearanceUnit | Gets or sets the units of clearance for this contact set. |
 | ClearanceValue | Gets or sets the clearance (gap) value for this contact set. |
 | ContactName | Gets the name of this contact set. |
 | ContactSetType | Gets or sets the type of this contact set. |
 | FrictionValue | Gets or sets the friction coefficient for this contact set. |
 | GapType | Gets or sets the gap type associated with this contact set. |
 | IncludeFriction | Gets or sets whether to include friction in this contact set. |
 | Options | Gets or sets the advanced options for this contact set. |
 | ResistanceType | Gets or sets the thermal resistance type for this thermal resistance contact set. |
 | ResistanceUnit | Gets or sets the unit system for this thermal resistance contact set. |
 | ResistanceValue | Gets or sets the thermal resistance value for this thermal resistance contact set. |
 | SourceEntityCount | Gets the number of source entities in this contact set. |
 | State | Gets the suppression state of this contact set. |
 | TangentialStiffnessValue | Gets or sets the wall shear stiffness value for this flexible virtual wall contact set. |
 | TargetEntityCount | Gets the number of target entities in this contact set. |
 | WallFriction | Gets or sets the coefficient of friction for this contact set with a rigid virtual wall. |
 | WallStiffnessUnit | Gets or sets the wall stiffness units of this contact set. |
 | WallType | Gets or sets the wall type of this contact set. |
Public Methods
See Also