Getting Started

Overview to Getting Started

Use DriveWorksXpress to set up a project to generate new models and drawings.

Set Up a Project

  • Select parameters to drive or change
  • Create a simple form for entering values
  • Define rules to apply to the model based on input values
  • Create effective rules

Run Models from the Project

  • Fill in your form to generate new models and drawings
  • Generate new models and drawings

Starting DriveWorksXpress

To start DriveWorksXpress:

  2. Click Tools > Xpress Products > DriveWorksXpress .
From the DriveWorksXpress Task Pane Welcome page , you can:
  • Create or change your DriveWorksXpress database.
  • Add projects or edit existing projects.
  • Run a new project to generate variations of your model.

Adding or Editing Models

To add or edit models:

  1. In the DriveWorksXpress Task Pane, click Add/Edit Projects .
  2. Click one of the following:
    • Browse . Opens the Open dialog box for you to select a model.
    • Use Open Model . Uses the model in the graphics area.
    • Edit. Displays the models already in DriveWorksXpress.
  3. Capture models using the Captured Models and Captured Assembly Structure tabs.
  4. Use tabs to select data to control:
    • Dimensions and Features
    • Custom Properties
    • Drawing and Configurations

Storing Information

DriveWorksXpress stores all the information about your project in a database (.mdb file).

When you open DriveWorksXpress for the first time, a database called driveworksxpress.mdb is created. You can use the default database or create other databases for your projects. The folder path and file name of the active database are displayed on the Welcome page.

To create or change a database:

  1. In the DriveWorksXpress Task Pane, on the Welcome page, click Create/Change Database .
  2. In the dialog box, select a database:
    • Browse to the location for your new database, type a name in File name, and click Open.
    • Locate and select an existing .mdb file and click Open.