Welcome to DriveWorksXpress

What Can I Do With DriveWorksXpress?

Use DriveWorksXpress to automate your design process. Generate infinite variations of a model from a rules-based project you set up once and run again and again.

Automate your design process with DriveWorksXpress

  • Capture and re-use design knowledge to save time and money.
  • Incorporate design rules to minimize errors and the cost of manual mistakes.
  • Automate repetitive tasks to dramatically reduce design time when specifying new variants.
  • Liberate design engineers from repetitive tasks to concentrate on new and special designs.
  • Generate variations quickly and easily based on rules you create.

Get the Most Out of DriveWorks Xpress

To understand the DriveWorksXpress advantage, see Best Practices.

What Can I Do With DriveWorks?

DriveWorks offers ease of use and unique features that complement the SOLIDWORKS design process.

For more information about DriveWorks, visit www.driveworks.co.uk/.

The full DriveWorks product offers even more power and flexibility:

  • Alternate file formats for models and drawings (for example, eDrawings®, DXF files, Parasolid).
  • Drawing tools for scaling, changing view positions, and controlling dimension text.
  • Tools for customizing forms, incorporating graphics, and generating quotes in Word or Excel.
  • Tools for managing file placement and replacement.
  • SQL database server technology that integrates with any ODBC database to import and export data from projects.
  • Import of data from Excel spreadsheets.
  • Support for macros and item selection.
  • Form navigation and workflow technology to administer the specification process and automate tasks across departments.
  • DriveWorks Live technology to publish data on the Internet.

Upgrade Path for DriveWorks