In the Apply Envelope dialog box, specify selection criteria to hide or show assembly components based on their positions relative to an envelope component.
To open this dialog box:
In the FeatureManager design tree or graphics area, right-click an envelope and click .
The Show/Hide Using Envelope tool is available only for envelopes made from parts, and only in the top-level assembly. It is not available for envelopes made from subassemblies, and is not available for envelopes within subassemblies.
Show/Hide Options
Specifies the action to apply to components depending on whether or not they meet the specified criteria.
Show part components |
Shows the components that meet the specified criteria. Choose one of the following to specify what to do with components that do not meet the selection criteria:
Hide it
Hides components that do not meet the criteria, regardless of their current show/hide state.
Leave its show/hide state as it is
Leaves components that do not meet the criteria in their current show/hide state.
Hide part components |
Hides the components that meet the specified criteria. Choose one of the following to specify what to do with components that do not meet the selection criteria:
Show it
Shows components that do not meet the criteria, regardless of their current show/hide state.
Leave its show/hide state as it is
Leaves components that do not meet the criteria in their current show/hide state.