Setup Operation Setup folder |
Add Setup Operation |
Creates a new setup operation in the Operation Setup folder called Setup Operation n . |
Setup Custom Setup folder |
Add Setup Cost |
Creates a new setup cost in the Setup folder called Setup Custom Operation n . |
Select Setup Cost |
Adds an existing setup cost to the Custom Operations Setup folder. |
Items in the Setup folders |
Apply Cost Override |
Modifies the cost for the setup operation with the value you enter. |
No Cost |
Assigns no cost to the setup operation. |
Move To |
Moves a machining operation from one setup to another setup. |
New Setup Operation |
Creates a new setup for the selected manufacturing operation. |
Items in the Cut Path folder  |
Cutting machines defined in the template |
Sets a different cutting tool. |
Items in the Mill Operations folder |
Move To |
Moves a milling operation from one setup to another setup operation. |
Add Operation |
Sets operations such as semi finishing or finishing. |
Change to Drill |
Converts the milling operation to a drilling operation. This is for circular milled pockets that are converted from drilled holes. You can also drag the circular milled pocket feature to the Hole Operations folder. |
Machine |
Sets a different machine type. |
Apply Cost Override |
Modifies the cost for the mill operation with the value you enter. |
Milling machines defined in the template |
Sets a different tool size. |
Items in the Hole Operations folder |
Add Operation |
Adds an operation and sets a tool to use for that operation because the hole may require more operations than originally defined in the template. For example, instead of just drilling a hole, you can drill and ream a hole. |
Change to Mill |
Converts the drilling operation (for a simple drilled hole) to a milling operation. You can also drag the simple hole feature to the Mill Operations folder. |
Move To |
Moves a hole operation from one setup to another setup. |
Tools defined in the template |
Sets a different cutting tool and size. |
Machine |
Sets a different machine type. |
Apply Cost Override |
Modifies the cost for the hole operation with the value you enter. |
Items in the End Cuts folder |
End cut machines defined in the template |
Sets a different machine type. |
Apply Cost Override |
Modifies the cost for the library feature with the value you enter. |
No Cost |
Assigns no cost to the library feature. |
Custom Operations folder |
Add Custom Operation |
Creates a new custom operation. See Custom Operations for Machined Parts. |
Items in the Custom Operations folder |
Edit Custom Operation |
Adds or edits a custom operation. See Custom Operations PropertyManager. |
Apply Cost Override |
Modifies the cost for the custom operation with the value you enter. |
Remove Custom Operation |
Removes the item from the Custom Operations folder. |
Items in the Library Features folder |
Library features defined in the template |
Sets a different library feature as a substitute for the one that was automatically selected. |
No Cost |
Assigns no cost to the library feature. |
Apply Cost Override |
Modifies the cost for the library feature with the value you enter. |