Sketching a Style Spline

You can sketch a style spline as a bridge curve between two existing entities.

To sketch the style spline:

  1. Open a new sketch. Use the Centerpoint Arc Centerpoint Arc tool to sketch two arc entities.

    style spline1

  2. Click Style Spline Tool_Style_Spline (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Entities > Style Spline.
  3. In the graphics area, click the first endpoint of the arc.

    The first click creates the first control vertex point in the style spline.


  4. Hover the pointer over the inference line and click to add a second control vertex point as shown.

    If you snap the second control vertex to the inference line, a tangent relation is created at that endpoint.


  5. Continue moving the pointer to the right and hover over the next inference line. Click the pointer when the equal curvature icon appears.

    If you snap the third control vertex to the inference line, an equal curvature relation is created at that endpoint.

    style spline 4

  6. To complete the style spline, continue adding more control vertices. When you reach the endpoint of the second arc, press ALT + double-click the pointer at the endpoint.

    Pressing ALT applies automatic tangent relations at the last control vertex point.

    style spine 5

    The bridge curve between the two sketch entities is complete.

    style spline 6