Dimension Precision

The Dimension Precision Check verifies the number of digits located after the decimal point for dimension and tolerance values against the settings in Tools > Options > Document Properties > Dimensions . Checks are run for the Primary Dimension, the Angular Dimension, and for the Dual Dimension.

To add this check to the Build Checks:

Click Dimension Precision under Dimension Checks tab_Des_Chk_Dimensions.gif.

Set precision by decimal places

Primary dimension

Dual dimension

Angular dimension

Sets the number of digits after the decimal point for dimension values.
Sets the number of digits after the decimal point for tolerance values.

Set precision by value

Length dimension  

Sets the precision value for dimension values.

Angle dimension   Sets the precision value for angle dimension values.
Length tolerance

Angle tolerance

  Sets the precision value for tolerance values.

For example, if you enter 1.231 mm and validate a drawing document with dimensions in inches, the precision value is calculated for 1.231 mm = 0.048 in. The precision value in this case is two digits, because the precision is calculated at the first non-zero value after the decimal point.

Criticality Sets the importance level for the check. When you check the active document, all failed checks are organized by criticality level.

Preferred auto correction values

Primary dimension

Dual dimension

Angular dimension

Sets the preferred precision for dimension values during autocorrection.
Sets the preferred precision values for tolerance values during autocorrection.
Auto correction options:  
Modify all length dimension and tolerance precision in document Select to override the default autocorrection values specified in the selected *.swstd drafting standard file with your preferred settings for the precision values.
Modify all angle dimension and tolerance precision in document