Home Tab

The Home tab lets you open new and existing documents, view recent documents and folders, and access SOLIDWORKS resources.

Sections in the Home tab include New, Recent Documents, Recent Folders, and Resources.


The New section includes:
Part Opens a new document. The document is based on a template from the Default Templates page of the System Options dialog box.
  Advanced Opens the New SOLIDWORKS Document dialog box, where you can open a new document based on an alternate template.
Open Opens the Open dialog box, where you can select an existing document to open.

Recent Documents

The Recent Documents section includes thumbnails of documents that you have opened recently. Click View all to open the Recent tab to see a longer list of recent documents.

Functionality in the Recent Documents section is identical to previous versions of the SOLIDWORKS software. The Welcome dialog box replaces the Recent Documents window.

Recent Folders

The Recent Folders section includes a list of folders from which you have opened documents recently. Click View all to open the Recent tab to see a longer list of recent folders.

When you hover over a folder, you can click to keep the folder at the top of the Recent Folders list until you unpin it.

To access the Recent Folders list after you close the Welcome dialog box, click File > Open Recent > Browse Recent Folders.


The Resources section includes links to:
What's New
Customer Portal
User Groups
Get Support

Tip of the Day

Shows a new tip each time that you open the Welcome dialog box. Click or to see other tips.