Controlling CircuitWorks User Options from an Administrator Location Using Windows User Permissions

You can control the CircuitWorks options by setting up the Administrator Options file location in the CircuitWorks Setup Wizard.

To control CircuitWorks user options from an administrator location using Windows User Permissions:

  1. Set up CircuitWorks options for users. For details, refer to Setting Up Administrator Rights.
    An administrator location can be any shared folder where the Options XML file is present. A user can be an administrator or a client depending on his Windows user rights on the shared folder.
  2. In SOLIDWORKS, click CircuitWorks Options (CircuitWorks toolbar) or Tools > CircuitWorks > CircuitWorks Options.
  3. In CircuitWorks Options, on the General tab, under CircuitWorks Setup Wizard, click Show Wizard.
  4. In CircuitWorks Setup Wizard, do the following:
    1. Click Next.
    2. On the Set Library Location pane, for Select Admin XML File, click Browse to specify the location.
  5. In the Browse For Folder dialog:
    1. Navigate to the folder specified in step 4.
    2. Double-click the file with the name ecadopt.xml/ecadoptAdmin.xml or any valid xml options file.