Using the CircuitWorks Export Wizard

You can use the CircuitWorks Export Wizard to identify the circuit board features that make the resulting CircuitWorks model useful for export to an ECAD system.

To export a SOLIDWORKS model to the CircuitWorks application:

  1. From SOLIDWORKS, click Export to CircuitWorks (CircuitWorks toolbar) or CircuitWorks > Export to CircuitWorks .
    You can also export a SOLIDWORKS model by clicking Import Model (Tools toolbar) in CircuitWorks.
    The CircuitWorks Export Wizard appears.
  2. Follow the wizard to set up your circuit board model components for use with the CircuitWorks software.
    You can specify the following information:

    Component Type

    Specifies that the component is electrical, mechanical, or a circuit board.

    Top of the Board

    For a circuit board, specifies the feature that represents the top of the board.

    Board Outline

    For a circuit board, specifies the feature that represents the outline of the board.

    Mechanical Outline

    For a mechanical component, specifies the feature that represents the outline of the component.

    Electrical Outline

    For an electrical component, specifies the feature that represents the outline of the component.

    Nonplated Holes

    For a circuit board, specifies the features that represent nonplated holes.

    Plated Holes

    For a circuit board, specifies the features that represent plated holes.

    Keep-out and Keep-in Areas

    For a circuit board, specifies the features that define keep-out or keep-in areas.

  3. Click Finish.