A group of DimXpert features having the same type (hole, slot, notch, etc.) and size parameters.
They are generally associated with common dimensions and tolerances. For example, applying a diameter dimension and geometric position tolerance to a pattern of holes.
- Chamfer
- Counterbore hole
- Countersink hole
- Cylinder
- Fillet
- Notch
- Simple Hole
- Slot
 Simple hole, counterbore, slot, and notch pattern features
Linked Pattern
A DimXpert pattern that is based on and maintains an association with a SW modeling feature or features. DimXpert pattern features linked to modeling features update automatically if you change the modeling features.
Linked patterns are identified in the DimXpertManager by the link icon .
Slot Pattern1 is a linked pattern and Slot Pattern2 is not.

Supported modeling features:
- Chamfer
- Circular Pattern
- Extruded Cut
- Fillet
- Hole Wizard
- Linear Pattern
- Mirror
- Simple Hole
 Given the four small holes on the part above, here are examples of what would and would not result in a linked pattern.
- Four holes modeled as a single hole wizard or simple hole feature
- Four holes modeled using a single cut extrude, whose sketch contains only the 4 circles
- A single hole wizard or simple hole feature followed by a linear or circular pattern
Not Linked:
- Part is an imported body
- Complete part is modeled using a single sketch and extrude feature