In part or assembly documents, you can add folders to the FeatureManager design tree. You can rename new folders and drag additional items into the new folders. This reduces the length of the FeatureManager design tree and helps you organize features and components.
In part documents, you can create folders for features. You can place any set of sequential features into an individual folder. You cannot use Ctrl to select non-sequential features. This maintains parent-child relationships. When you select a folder that you added in the FeatureManager design tree, the features in the folder are highlighted in the graphics area. Similarly, when you select a feature in the graphics area that is in a folder you created, the folder is highlighted.
In assembly documents, you can create folders for components and folders for mates. When adding a folder to the FeatureManager design tree, you can preselect non-sequential components or mates to place in the folder. When you select a component in the graphics area that is in a folder you created, the folder expands to show the highlighted component in the FeatureManager design tree.
You can also create subfolders. Any command that can be applied to folders can be applied to subfolders. When you apply a command to a folder, it is applied to that folder's subfolders as well. For example, when you suppress a folder, all items in the folder are suppressed, including its subfolders and the items they contain.
To expand or collapse a folder and all its subfolders, right-click and click Expand All or Collapse All. To retain a subfolder's expanded or collapsed state when you expand or collapse its parent folder, right-click the parent folder and click Expand Item or Collapse Item.
You can insert items into folders automatically or manually.
To create a new folder and insert items automatically:
In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click an item and select Add to New Folder.
A new folder appears in the FeatureManager design tree. The feature you right-clicked is now in the new folder. You can rename the folder and drag additional items into the folder.
To create a new folder and insert items manually:
In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click an item and select Create New Folder.
A new folder appears in the FeatureManager design tree. You can rename the folder and drag additional items into the folder. When you manually drag an item onto a folder name, the pointer changes to  .
To remove items from a folder:
- In the FeatureManager design tree, drag the item from the folder onto the folder icon
. The pointer changes to .
- Release the mouse button.
The item is removed from the folder, and appears just below the folder.