SOLIDWORKS API Getting Started Overview
The SOLIDWORKS API SDK contains all of the functionality you need to develop SOLIDWORKS API applications.
To install the SOLIDWORKS API SDK:
Ensure that Microsoft Visual Studio is installed in c:\Program Files.
Copy \api\SolidWorks API SDK.msi from
the installation media to a local directory.
- or -
Download the SOLIDWORKS API SDK installer from the SOLIDWORKS
Customer Portal:
Log into the SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal.
Click Downloads
and Updates.
On the SOLIDWORKS tab:
At the top, select the version
of SOLIDWORKS whose API SDK you want to download.
At the bottom, click the product link for the service pack whose API
SDK you want to download.
In the SOLIDWORKS Download EULA page, click the English button
and click Accept
Agreement & Continue.
At the bottom of the Download and Install page, click the
download, unzip, and install all the files link.
Select a version in the Upgrading
from Service Pack list, select the product in the
Product list, and click Continue.
API SDK in the Step 5 - Optional
updates table to download apisdk.exe to a local directory.
Double-click apisdk.exe or SolidWorks API SDK.msi to run
the API SDK InstallShield Wizard.
On the Select Type page, select the Custom option,
select the
API templates and examples, specifying their directories.
Prior to developing SOLIDWORKS API applications, you should be familiar
with using the SOLIDWORKS software interactively and programming in the
languages that you intend to use. If you are not, then you should: