Spline Point Number |
Highlights the selected spline point in the graphics area. |
X Coordinate |
Specifies the x coordinate of the spline point. |
Y Coordinate |
Specifies the y coordinate of the spline point. |
Radius of Curvature |
Controls the radius of curvature at any spline point. Radius of Curvature appears only if you select Add Curvature Control from the Spline Tools toolbar or the shortcut menu, and add a curvature pointer to the spline. |
Curvature |
Displays the degree of curvature at point where curvature control was added. Curvature appears only if you add a curvature pointer to the spline. |
Tangent Weighting1 |
Controls the left tangency vector by modifying the spline’s curvature at the spline point. |
Tangent Weighting 2 |
Controls the right tangency vector by modifying the spline’s curvature at the spline point. |
Tangent Radial Direction |
Controls the tangency direction by modifying the spline’s angle of inclination relative to the X, Y, or Z axis. |
Tangent Polar Direction |
Controls the elevation angle of the tangent vector with respect to a plane placed at a point perpendicular to a spline point. You can also dimension to spline handles.
Tangent Driving |
Enables spline control using Tangent Weighting and Tangent Radial Direction. |
Reset This Handle |
Returns the selected spline handle to its initial state. |
Reset All Handles |
Returns all spline handles to their initial state. |
Relax Spline |
When you first sketch a spline and display the control polygon, you can drag any node on the control polygon to change its shape. If dragging results in a spline that is not smooth, you can re-select the spline to display the PropertyManager and click Relax Spline under Parameters to re-parameterize (smooth) the shape. The Relax Spline command becomes available again by dragging a node on the control polygon. |
Proportional |
Retains the spline shape when you drag an endpoint; the entire spline resizes proportionally. |