Mate Error Examples Contents Example: Conflicting Mates At times a mate cannot be satisfied because the components are already constrained in such a way that they cannot move into the mate. The components can be fixed or mated to other components. Example: Conflicts Between Mates and In-context Features Mating conflicts happen when you create in-context sketch relations and then create distance mates using the components and entities that use the sketch relations. Example: Design Errors and Mating Sometimes the geometry in or between your components appears to be accurate, but is slightly wrong. Example: Concentric Mate Error Example: Fixing Redundant Distance Mates This assembly shows only yellow warning symbols (no red errors). Run MateXpert to diagnose the problem. Example: Mates to Dangling Geometry When you change the geometry of a component so that the mate can no longer be satisfied, the mate becomes dangling. Parent topicSolving Mate Problems Mate Errors MateXpert Techniques for Fixing Mate Problems Mated Entities PropertyManager Globally Replacing Failed Mate References Missing Entities Pop-up Toolbar