Mesh BREP (boundary representation) bodies are made up of triangular polygons,
called facets. Each facet has three vertices and three edges, referred to as fins.
The facets of a mesh BREP body can be collected into faces. These faces are
similar to the faces in standard SOLIDWORKS BREP bodies, except that mesh faces do not
have a geometric description. For example, the facets of a mesh face can make up a
rectangle, but that face is defined simply as a collection of facets, not as rectangle
with a height and width.
Body Types Created from Mesh
You can convert mesh files
into three types of bodies:
- Standard SOLIDWORKS BREP bodies
- Mesh BREP bodies
- Graphics bodies
SOLIDWORKS BREP bodies are the standard bodies used in the SOLIDWORKS
software. They can be solid or surface bodies. They do not include mesh surfaces.
Every point on a face of these bodies can be determined with a mathematical
Mesh BREP bodies can be solid or surface bodies. The bodies are made
up of mesh facets. The facets can be grouped into faces. Facets can form a geometric
shape such as a rectangle, and the rectangle can have a BREP face associated with
it, but not every point on every face can be determined with a mathematical
Graphics bodies are defined entirely by their facets, without
reference to equations. For example, what appears to be a circle in a graphics body
is actually a large number of triangles, some of whose edges approximate the
circumference of a circle. These mesh edges do not actually form a mathematical
Geometry Elements
The edges of mesh BREP bodies may approximate mathematical curves, but do not
have any geometric attributes.