Toolbox Library You can browse Toolbox components in the Toolbox library and use them in your designs. Contents Creating Parts Adding Parts to Assemblies Adding Content to the Toolbox Library You can add parts to existing Toolbox folders, or create new folders. Toolbox Favorites The Toolbox Favorites folder is a local folder where you can store shortcuts to frequently used Toolbox components. Auto Sizing Toolbox Components Some Toolbox components can adapt to the size of the geometry to which they are dragged. Configuring Components You can configure a standard, category, or type, or single component from the Toolbox Configuration tool or the Configure Component PropertyManager in SOLIDWORKS. Managing Part Number Settings You can save part number property settings so you can easily select the same part size later. You assign a part number and a description for each set of saved property settings. Toolbox Part PropertyManager Use the Toolbox part PropertyManager to set part properties, such as sizes. Opening Models with Referenced Toolbox Components When you open an assembly, SOLIDWORKS® automatically finds references to Toolbox components in your Toolbox folder, even if the assembly is created from a separate Toolbox installation, for example, from outside your company. You can set this behavior, which is applied to all new SOLIDWORKS installations by default, from a Hole Wizard/Toolbox system option. Updating Toolbox Components in Assemblies You can update all Toolbox components in a single action. Disabling Automatic Mate Updates in Toolbox You can temporarily disable the automatic update of mates between a Toolbox component and a non-Toolbox component by clearing Automatic Update for Toolbox Mates. By disabling the automatic update, you can improve performance by making it quicker to edit mates, add mates, and manipulate components. Parent topicSOLIDWORKS Toolbox Overview Installation and Configuration Cams Grooves Other Tools