Other Tools You can use Toolbox tools to perform beam and bearing calculations, and to add structural steel beams to your designs. Contents Performing Beam Calculations You can perform deflection and stress calculations on structural steel cross sections. Beam Calculator Dialog Box The Beam Calculator dialog box performs deflection and stress calculations on structural steel cross sections. Performing Bearing Calculations You can calculate bearing capacity ratings and basic life values. Bearing Calculator Dialog Box The Bearing Calculator dialog box calculates bearing capacity ratings and basic life values. Adding a Structural Steel Beam to a Part You can insert the cross-section sketch of a structural steel beam into a part. The sketch is fully-dimensioned to match industry standard sizes. You can extrude the sketch in SOLIDWORKS to create the beam. Structural Steel Dialog Box The Structural Steel dialog box lets you select a structural steel beam that you can insert into a part as a cross-section sketch. Gears Some notes about gears in SOLIDWORKS Toolbox: Parent topicSOLIDWORKS Toolbox Overview Installation and Configuration Toolbox Library Cams Grooves